Virtual Graduation
At the beginning of this school year nobody imagined we would be at home assisting teachers with our child’s learning. I have seen how quickly they re-imagined their teaching to teach our kids and support the parents. I see them trying their best to support a new virtual social emotional environment.
—-I would be counting the days to finish—- but our Kindergarten teachers at PS 116K instead are enthusiastically planning a virtual graduation...because class of 2020 should be the class “with the first” not the class “that couldn’t have”.
There dedication and positive enthusiasm is what has motivated me to create a page to raise funds for “Kindergarten 2020’s virtual graduation”. The funds will be used to purchase a care basket for graduating students.
Our kindergarten teachers have purchased the 2020 graduating t-shirt and caps that would be worn during the virtual ceremony.
The care baskets will include:
Healthy Foods & Snacks
Celebration props
Arts and craft Supplies
Graduation certificates
With your donations 55 Kindergarteners mostly from low income households will have a memorable experience to hold on to in these rapidly changing times.