Foto principale della raccolta fondi

Stand by the Argues

Donazione protetta
Bob and Denise Gawler were brutally attacked by intruders on their farm in South Africa on July 28th. Tragically Bob passed away as a result of a gunshot wound one month before his 84th birthday. Denise was viciously beaten but survived. They were married for 60 years. Karin has lost her dad, Russell a dear father-in-law, Chelsea and Sean have lost their precious Ampa so this fund has been established to help them get back to South Africa to mourn their loss as a family and to take care of Denise in her time of need. Flight prices to South Africa in peak season on short notice are at their highest right now, so we are calling on anyone to help raise the money get the Argues back to South Africa.
Illustrazione di mani che aiutano

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  • Donna Stroop
    • $500
    • 7 yrs
Illustrazione di mani che aiutano

Dona $100 per aiutare questa raccolta fondi a raggiungere il suo obiettivo

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Organizzatore e beneficiario

Brett Durrant
Calabasas, CA
Russell Argue

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    La tua donazione è protetta dalla Garanzia GoFundMe Giving