Going Bald for AGD
Donation protected
Jackie Keogh is wonderful. After having looked after her dear friend, Claire, who had cancer, Jackie finds now that she has it herself. So. Before she loses her hair to the chemo, Jackie wants you to sponsor her to shave it all off to raise money for the A Graceful Death exhibition and project. We are having a special knees up, with quizzes and raffles and prizes and laughs, and a talk about what it is all about, in the Walnut Tree Pub in Runcton on the 20th of September. We will need you all there to cheer Jackie on. More on this in a minute.
Jackie says, "As most of you know I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2013. I will lose my hair because of the chemo, so I am having my head shaved before it all falls out. So, I am going to have it shaved by a local hair-dresser at the Walnut Tree Pub in Runcton. I would like to try and raise some money for AGD (look at link www.antoniarolls.co.uk
and see the A Graceful Death page). Antonia Rolls is the inspiration behind this. I met this wonderful, lovely lady at the hospice when Claire was recovering from her cancer. Antonia is a local artist who works with people nearing the end of their lives for her not for profit exhibition and project "A Graceful Death." All donations will be most gratefully received."
A Graceful Death is an exhibition of portraits, interviews and thoughts of and from people facing the end of their lives. The exhibition tours the country, and aims to help people face having conversations about dying and death. Asking dying people who they are, and what they want to say, through painting, helps to create a whole new way of communicating. And the A Graceful Death exhibition and project encourages us to communicate, and see that death is normal, inevitable, and acceptable. Until we are dead, we are very much alive. The exhibition aims to celebrate life, even as death approaches, and to show how the people who take part as sitters for the paintings, and who give us their words and thoughts about facing death, manage this journey. Their experience is to help us face our own mortality.
Join Jackie, Antonia and the gang at the Knees Up at the Walnut Tree Pub, Vinnetrow Rd, Runcton, West Sussex PO20 1QB, on Friday 20 September from 7pm to 11pm. We are extremely grateful to Dave at the Walnut Tree who has donated the use of his pub for our event. Come and take part in the pub quiz competition, prizes for the winners. See what you can win in the Raffle, and cheer Jackie on as Paris, from Simply Hair in Bognor Regis (01243 837600) will create Jackie's new look.
Jackie is quite literally, going bald for A Graceful Death. Thank you Jackie, and much love to you. I know you don't feel at all well, this is amazingly generous of you. I promise to get you a special Rasta hat with attached dreadlocks to wear! xxx

antonia rolls