Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Cremation Service

Spende geschützt
Our mother, Maria G Lightfoot, just died from a most unfortunate accident. She died of a large blood clot blocking her heart, then broke off into her lungs.
We don't have life insurance, and we are fairly broke as of late. We just want to cremate her after she is done donating her organs to those who lucky enough to have a second chance at life.
We can't do much, and we are looking to you for help fulfilling her final wishes.
We can't think of any "rewards" for donations, but I personally will be thankful and I'm willing to do anything in my abilities to repay you all, even in small ways. 

We would greatly appreciate your donations!
Thanks in advanced.

In loving memory of Maria G. Lightfoot.


  • George Martinez
    • $500
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

James Lightfoot
Monticello, GA
James Lightfoot

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