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Tiniest Dachshund Needs Your Help!

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I am David Rogers, I rescue dachshunds. This picture is of the tiniest full-grown dachshund I've ever seen or heard of...her name is Itty Bitty and she is in serious trouble! Itty was living a very active, happy life with her two dachsie friends until this past Tuesday when all of a sudden while playing in the back yard, she lied down and could not get up. I carefully picked her up and she cried out. Fearing the worst, I called the vet and got her there as soon as the doc could get in to the office and then he examined and x-rayed her. Itty was paralyzed in her back legs as a result of a genetic condition very common in dachshunds - IVDD. IVDD is a condition wherein the spinal discs mineralize (become very hard and brittle), and then slip out of the spinal column and press against the spine, causing paralysis. Itty was rushed to a neurologist and preparation for surgery began immediately. The spinal surgery is unbelievably expensive. We were quoted $8,500.00 for the initial surgery and then we have a very long road of costly physical therapy and pool therapy ahead of us. We live three hours away from the nearest facility for these services, so many long drives and literally months of these sessions lie ahead if Itty is to have a chance of full recovery. Itty Bitty is only 4 years old. I am committed to selling everything I can, and changing my lifestyle completely to provide the care and support that this takes, but I will still need help. Please consider donating to this tiny baby's medical bills. Every single penny that is donated will go to Itty Bitty's surgery and after care. Thank you for reading this and considering helping us.
I've already given the clinic 4,000.00 but must come up with another 4500 before Monday and at least 3000 by Sept. 15.

 David Rogers Itty Bitty's "Daddy"
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  • Anna Chase
    • $25
    • 7 yrs
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David Rogers
Marathon, FL

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