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Hi my name is Cassandra, I am Jessica’s little sister. My mother and I are starting this go fund me to raise money toward a nice headstone for my sister. Jessica was killed when her boyfriend wouldn't pull over for the police and she was ejected from the SUV when he wrecked. Many of you helped bury my sister with your generous donations and we appreciate it so much. The total funeral costs came out to about $12,000, we raised a little over $9,000 including cash donations. Leaving nothing for us to use toward a headstone. Visiting her grave without a headstone is very heartbreaking for all of us. Thank you for helping give Jessica a proper burial. ❤️ If you prefer my cashapp is $CassandraRhodes19 


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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Cassandra Rhodes
Cleveland, OH
Brett Rhodes

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