Serious Car Accident
Donation protected
I'm very grateful to announce Workers comp will be covering one of the hospital visits.
As many of you know, I (Alex) was involved in a serious auto accident with 3 cars total. Im from Mesa, AZ & 'm blessed to say I was sober & no drugs or alcohol played any sort of role in this collision.The sounds of the accident is something I will never forget: The crunch of twisted & bent metal. The squealing of the tar black tires. The shattering of the disfigured glass. It was everywhere. But the worst part, that ear splitting scream.
It all happened so fast & my brain is blocking out a lot of what happened. If you've been in a wreck this serious, you know exactly what I mean. Unfortunately, because of this tragedy, I had to be hospitalized & I've been prescribed pain killers & muscle relaxers. Additionally, I might need some physical therapy but this ultimately relies on my personal finances. The hospital was a given, & the bill will likely be in the thousands (they didn't accept my insurance). My car is completely totaled & I'm a pizza delivery driver. This is my only source of income at the moment & my job is on hold until I can find a way to get another used car, preferably Toyota because my last car was perfectly running at 310k miles. I wouldn't really want any other car unless I had to. Not only that, but everyone's insurance in that accident will go up, and, currently, my insurance is $117/month. I'm expecting that to increase drastically as I just gave American Family my claim.
For those of you who follow my story on Twitter, you know how open I am about my life, & whenever I need help, I always ask. There's always some guilt for me asking, but right now, I really don't have a choice. I just got a place to stay & I really need to keep up with the bills so I can better my life as I'm trying so very hard to do. The paramedics & police officer said I was very lucky. People in these types of accidents don't typically survive, especially at a whopping highway speed of 65MPH. I'm still in shock as I write this, but I know I can get past it. God was with me in that car, I really believe it you guys. It wasn't my time & I survived, just like I have been this entire time. I was not texting, talking, drugging, or drinking (I'd be in jail if I did) at the time of the incident. I was out delivering pizzas on the job & unfortunately they won't cover anything, so I'm left with all the bills, which is okay, I guess... I consider it as personal responsibility.
I'm so desperate right now to keep the positive energy up & pray to God for saving me. There are no more coincidences anymore. Everything happens for a reason, & God puts us through exactly what we can handle. This was a huge test for me & it seriously made my think about how I need to be more aware & careful when I drive. No one is a better teacher than God providing me with experience. Without believing in Him, I would not be able to hold myself together as I'm trying so hard to do, momentarily. I understand some of you might not be able to contribute, but could you please consider sharing this with someone who might? I need help & I know my Twitter followers & my higher power are always there for me. I really enjoy when you share pictures of your puppies, kittens, dogs, cats, cows, & lizards when I'm feeling triggered. You have no idea how much that helps. I used to have such a negative outlook on Police Officers but when the Highway Patrol Officer saw me hunched over in the corner in excruciating pain, he helped me. Maybe this was the lesson God wanted me to see. As crazy as it sounds, this accident was such a wake up call. He's always there & he always works in the craziest ways. I want to thank the police officer, the first responders (firefighters & paramedics), the night nurses, & the night doctors. Y'all do great work & I hope one day I can return the favor by getting into social work & work within the hospitals as a social worker.
I'll have to put my classes on hold, unfortunately, until I can get these bills paid, but I will be back. I value Higher Education tremendously. Any help is a blessing. If you can't contribute, please at least send me a heart felt message or pictures of your pets. This really makes my day & reminds me to keep fighting. I won't be tweeting a whole lot as I do need time to rest & recover. Since my last GoFund me I've enrolled in therapy as well as substance abuse classes, and let me tell you, it's working. I really wish you guys were here in person to see all this progress I'm making.Please keep praying for me...I know it's working. Like I said, there are no more coincidences in life. This is God working his ways & I see him working in all sorts of people around me. Some call me crazy for believing in something I can't see, I like to think of it as wisdom & enlightenment. I think a lot of you know what I mean when I say this if God has reached out to you during critical moments in your life.Funds will go towards:>Medication>Physical Therapy>Used Car>Medical Bills
As many of you know, I (Alex) was involved in a serious auto accident with 3 cars total. Im from Mesa, AZ & 'm blessed to say I was sober & no drugs or alcohol played any sort of role in this collision.The sounds of the accident is something I will never forget: The crunch of twisted & bent metal. The squealing of the tar black tires. The shattering of the disfigured glass. It was everywhere. But the worst part, that ear splitting scream.
It all happened so fast & my brain is blocking out a lot of what happened. If you've been in a wreck this serious, you know exactly what I mean. Unfortunately, because of this tragedy, I had to be hospitalized & I've been prescribed pain killers & muscle relaxers. Additionally, I might need some physical therapy but this ultimately relies on my personal finances. The hospital was a given, & the bill will likely be in the thousands (they didn't accept my insurance). My car is completely totaled & I'm a pizza delivery driver. This is my only source of income at the moment & my job is on hold until I can find a way to get another used car, preferably Toyota because my last car was perfectly running at 310k miles. I wouldn't really want any other car unless I had to. Not only that, but everyone's insurance in that accident will go up, and, currently, my insurance is $117/month. I'm expecting that to increase drastically as I just gave American Family my claim.
For those of you who follow my story on Twitter, you know how open I am about my life, & whenever I need help, I always ask. There's always some guilt for me asking, but right now, I really don't have a choice. I just got a place to stay & I really need to keep up with the bills so I can better my life as I'm trying so very hard to do. The paramedics & police officer said I was very lucky. People in these types of accidents don't typically survive, especially at a whopping highway speed of 65MPH. I'm still in shock as I write this, but I know I can get past it. God was with me in that car, I really believe it you guys. It wasn't my time & I survived, just like I have been this entire time. I was not texting, talking, drugging, or drinking (I'd be in jail if I did) at the time of the incident. I was out delivering pizzas on the job & unfortunately they won't cover anything, so I'm left with all the bills, which is okay, I guess... I consider it as personal responsibility.
I'm so desperate right now to keep the positive energy up & pray to God for saving me. There are no more coincidences anymore. Everything happens for a reason, & God puts us through exactly what we can handle. This was a huge test for me & it seriously made my think about how I need to be more aware & careful when I drive. No one is a better teacher than God providing me with experience. Without believing in Him, I would not be able to hold myself together as I'm trying so hard to do, momentarily. I understand some of you might not be able to contribute, but could you please consider sharing this with someone who might? I need help & I know my Twitter followers & my higher power are always there for me. I really enjoy when you share pictures of your puppies, kittens, dogs, cats, cows, & lizards when I'm feeling triggered. You have no idea how much that helps. I used to have such a negative outlook on Police Officers but when the Highway Patrol Officer saw me hunched over in the corner in excruciating pain, he helped me. Maybe this was the lesson God wanted me to see. As crazy as it sounds, this accident was such a wake up call. He's always there & he always works in the craziest ways. I want to thank the police officer, the first responders (firefighters & paramedics), the night nurses, & the night doctors. Y'all do great work & I hope one day I can return the favor by getting into social work & work within the hospitals as a social worker.
I'll have to put my classes on hold, unfortunately, until I can get these bills paid, but I will be back. I value Higher Education tremendously. Any help is a blessing. If you can't contribute, please at least send me a heart felt message or pictures of your pets. This really makes my day & reminds me to keep fighting. I won't be tweeting a whole lot as I do need time to rest & recover. Since my last GoFund me I've enrolled in therapy as well as substance abuse classes, and let me tell you, it's working. I really wish you guys were here in person to see all this progress I'm making.Please keep praying for me...I know it's working. Like I said, there are no more coincidences in life. This is God working his ways & I see him working in all sorts of people around me. Some call me crazy for believing in something I can't see, I like to think of it as wisdom & enlightenment. I think a lot of you know what I mean when I say this if God has reached out to you during critical moments in your life.Funds will go towards:>Medication>Physical Therapy>Used Car>Medical Bills
Alex From Twitter
Mesa, AZ