Little Petey
Our son and his daddy were involved in a horrific car accident they we're struck buy a drunk driver. Both flown to hcmc. We had a baby boy 1 month ago he was born premature we spent 2 weeks in the nicu. He had feeding issues and issues getting air into lungs. We just got home not even 2 weeks ago, on Friday nighr at 9 pm I received a phone call no parent should ever receive. My son and his daddy were hit by another vehicle druver admited to drinking. Petey had to have Emergancy surgery on his stomach. His artery got cutt and he was bleeding out he also had to have some if his intestine removed. He suffered a concussion from the accident also had a fracture in his lower spine with some bleeding. He is in criticle condition. The surgery fixed the bowl and the artery. He has an Ng tube into his stomach to pump his stomach stuff out. He has a back brace on now. He is having issues remembering things. He isn't really talkative he does signs with mommy and I know what he needs or wants. Once he goes poop and starts passing gas like normal they will take the ng tube out and insert a feeding tube. He is also on blood thinners. He will be on a feeding tube and blood thinners for a long time to come yet. He is going to have ot and a speach therapy and trauma therapy for the accident. He will have long time of doctor appts therapy and medicines. As if right now their is no idea when he will get out of icu. He has 3 brothers and a little sister who don't understand what's going on and don't understand why brother is at the hospital and why mommy is always gone. Before this accident we had a very hyper outgoing fun little boy he was always wanting outside and just so active he has the biggest heart. I miss my baby boy yes he is here thank the good lord above he is. This is the worst thing ever imaginable. My baby is suffering and not himself abd won't be for a long time all due to a person who thought it was ok to drive after drinking!!! His life and our lives are forever changed.. We wsnt our fun outgoing little but back, no one is resting no one is attending work so,much stress and worry. We live 2 hours away from the hospital hcmc. My poor kids barley see me I need to be with our son Petey!! We will face lots of financial burden with my husband missing work medical food and other expenses. We are having to re locate to possibly moving to the cities so he can get all,he needs here after he goes hone he needs to stick with the doctors that have been here from the beginning. Anything helps our son our family no donation is to small. Give whatever you can. God bless ill update daily as I can