PTSD Symposium Sponsorship Fund
Donation protected

Symposium Sponsorship Fund. We have joined forces to raise money for our Sponsorship Fund that will enable First Responders to receive advanced
training on how to deal with Post Traumatic Stress. First Responders
deal with many incidents that an average person may not see in their
lifetime and these incidents can sometimes occur on a daily basis. Due
to the nature of the job and exposure to some of these traumatic
incidents, many First Responders can develop what is called Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Through the PTSD Symposium Sponsorship Fund we will be raising money to help
send First Responders to our educational PTSD-related conference. The
traveling costs, hotels, food, and the training itself will all be
covered for the recipients of this Sponsorship. Possible recipients
will need to submit an essay to this link explaining how they feel they would benefit from the training and how they could share that knowledge with their own departments.
We are hoping to raise enough money to eventually turn this
Symposium Sponsorship Fund into a Charitable Foundation. This will enable us to
continue to make great advances in combating the stigma that comes
with PTSD while supporting our brothers and sisters
in need. Please read below some words from both of the
individuals involved in our photo.
In Chief Stan's Words -In today's world it seems there are more events
involving people who struggle with issues of mental health or
struggling to deal with events that they have ever faced before and
don't know how to deal with them. As First Responders, we are trained
to help and respond to situations that most people cannot deal with.
When it's done and over with the First Responder goes about his or her
job, not knowing that deep inside the foundation is being layed. As
leaders we must be provided with the tools to make sure our people who
are starting to suffer are helped and are safe, being able to provide
them with guidance and making sure they understand their sense of
purpose in what they are doing.
As being a First Responder, there are still times I think back or I
come upon situations that remind myself that I have been there. The
difference is today I realize I can talk about it and not feel guilty
or ashamed because I suffer from my passed experiences. There are
still incidents I think about and I know they have affected me in some
way but I have learned through talking and facing the problem I can
deal with it, but others might not be able to. I know I am struggling
with my son's suicide and I don't know for how long, but until I can
understand why, I will suffer.
In Firefighter Stephen's Words - When I was 18 years old I witnessed
a man die very violently right before my eyes. This was my first true
exposure to a very traumatic incident. How it
happened still plays in my head to this day. It wasn't until I joined
the Army and received training on some of the symptoms of PTSD that I
realized I may have been affected in some way. I
learned the best way to deal with things was to talk about
it. During my 6 years in the Army I witnessed many soldiers who
suffered from PTSD. One of them ended up committing suicide.
After leaving the Army I joined the Fire Service and it was clear
early on into my career that PTSD was just as common in First
Responders. Treat a mental injury the same way you would treat a
physical one. Acknowledge the problem, work on rehab and then healing.
You will come out even stronger than before.
Inferno Coffee
Edmonton, AB