What's Next Aileen - Interview USA
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Dear Conservative Americans,
What's Next Aileen - Interview USA
As the Founder of The Villages Conservative Media and Co-Founder and President of The Villages Tea Party, I have been filming, interviewing, hosting local, national, international speakers and sharing tons of information since 2012. TVTP weekly meetings were broadcast "Live" and our video meeting history and through my efforts both websites continue with daily updates and is available at www.thevillagesteaparty.org and www.thevillagesconservativemedia.com

My story is about you and our Shared Conservative Values and Our Country's Path for Our Families and Their Future.
It's time we reach out and grow united and stronger together on a national basis
Conservatives, I need Your Help To Make this Project Great and Successful.
How? Let me share your stories and more by hitting the Road Through And Across America. Expand and Grow...
What's Next Aileen - Interview USA
The Villages Conservative Media developed in 2014 as another avenue to reach out to you the people through my visual and audio concepts and expand and offer more opportunities over and beyond the weekly meetings.
But it was still not enough or quick enough.
Main street media only gives you highlights or their perspective and lots of distractions. Are you done with MSM and looking for alternative views?
What's Next Aileen - Interview USA will bring you the personal views, one on one interviews and special events and the important issues we face as individuals in our communities, both large and small town America. The Villages Conservative Media plans to visit, film and post to my websites along with broadband help from my friends and patriots at FreedominAmerica.us
So... Restrictions Lifted ... My studio is no longer a meeting room or my home office but have camera, tripod, memory cards and my laptop and I am ready to meet you and my next interview or special event...Press Pass will travel. On sunny days my backdrop is God's Beautiful American Landscape.
America your voice, stories and concerns need to be heard. My interviews are about having honest conversations not got you moments or special editing in or out.. no sound bites. Knowledge is power and meant to be shared.

Higher powers are directing me to expand The Villages Conservative Media and this concept ..
What's Next Aileen.. Interview USA will Hit the Road, Travel the USA and meet as many of you as possible including our veterans, first responders, police officers, business men and women, farmers, ranchers, factory workers, medical, clergy, educators, students and seniors, to discuss your lives, stories and issues and how we can work together for America.

We will talk politics, immigration, religious freedoms, the Constitution, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, how our children are being educated in public schools, taking care of our veterans and much more..

My efforts and hard work has always been on a volunteer budget and self taught.
Now I am asking for a little bit more from all of you...because I want to know more to do more... Together we are stronger. Freedom is Not Free
Silence is no longer an option...
"Freedom of Speech - Can be lost through Self Imposed SILENCE"
- Aileen Milton, Founder The Villages Conservative Media
Therefore, I am asking for your support and financial input Today! My goal is to hear from Americans like you and me.
January 2018, TVCM begins our Road Through America. Our first stop is SC and we will be meeting people like Tom Fitton with Judicial Watch, Trevor Louden, Publius Huldah and many more.. 2018 will be an exciting year but only with your financial help.
With Your Help You Can ...Put me on the Road Through America and find out Who, What, Where, When and How on What's Next Aileen - Interview USA..
Send your donations small or large..Advertise on my websites become a sponsor or contributor. TODAY!
Your Support will be greatly appreciated and afford TVCM (me) to bring the American stories to you and through both you and me.
Here are a few of my previous interviews/events to view and share.
2017 What's Next Aileen? - Interview Library
Interview with Kris Paronto "13 Hours in Benghazi"
Interview with Mat Staver, Founder & Chairman Liberty Counsel
My Escape From Hurricane IRMA Took me to the Volunteer State to interview 3 Great and Powerful Conservative Women - Publius Huldah, Laurie Cardoza-Moore, Sylvia Thompson
Special Event with Laurie Cardoza-Moore, PJTN
Radio Interview with Avi & Rachel Lipkin head of a Judeo-Christian Bible Bloc party called “Gush Hatanakhi” in Hebrew.
https://www.thevillagesconservativemedia.com/whats-next-aileen-416680.html or http://www.thevillagesteaparty.org/whats-next-aileen-582580.html
Interview with James Mitchell PhD, Author - "Enhanced Interrogation"
Interview with Kevin Freeman & Mike Carter National Security Investment Consultant Institute - NSIC.org
Interview with Ron Robinson, President Young America’s Foundation's YAF
Interview with William Federer, Author "Rise of The Tyrant"https://www.thevillagesconservativemedia.com/aug-8th-2016-interview-william-federer-author-rise-of-the-tyrant.html
Interview with Jack Cashill Author of "Scarlet Letters"
I will continue to work hard for you and America..
Thank you.
God Bless and Protect America
Aileen Milton, Founder
The Villages Conservative Media

Aileen Milton
Lady Lake, FL