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Bring Noah home

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Hi everyone. If you know me personally, you know what I have been going through for the last 7 years. If you are new to this, I’ll explain. My name is Augenet & I am 28 years old. I have 4 kiddos. This go fund me is strictly for my oldest son Noah who is 7. I married young, and got pregnant. I moved to up to Oregon which is where my ex husband is from, about a month after we had our son Noah from Orange County where I am from. A few months later, he ended up filing for divorce and I was stuck in a state where I had no family and a few friends and had to navigate being a new single mom with all my support system back in Orange County. Shortly after Noah’s dad started accusing me of many things, including being an alcoholic, mental health issues, and more. None of which was true. A few years later, I met my now 2nd ex husband, who is still my best friend & co parent. We have 3 kids. We put our kids first always, and because Anthony has been in Noah’s life since he was 2, all he knows is him as his dad. After Anthony and I had our first child together, we met with Noah’s dad and his stepmom and made an agreement that we needed to get along. Throughout the duration of that, we watched each other’s kids back and forth, spent time together, and co parented until they both decided they wanted to move to a different area. After I said no to the move, because our roots were now planted in Oregon, that next weekend Noah’s father filed an immediate danger hearing. It got granted based off of lies and we had supervised visitation for 8 weeks. Our supervised visitation coordinator testified on my behalf at our trial with no concerns to my parenting. Along with other people who were not ever worried about my parenting. The judge dismissed any child abuse and said that it was unfounded. But he still had a decision to make about their move and after a month he ended up allowing them to move simply because the cost of living in Medford is too expensive. Noah‘s father does not work and neither does his stepmother. As to where I work a full-time job and support all three of my kiddos that I share custody with their dad. As well as paying Noahs father Child Support. Because of the move to Wisconsin my parenting time has been severely limited I get 35 days in the summer, winter break, spring break, and every other Thanksgiving. After finding out about the judge allowing them to move I immediately hired an appeals attorney that was recommended to me by my family law attorney. He has been working for me since July 2022. And finally in April 2023, this year we have a hearing date for him to go in front of the appellate court and hopefully get this ruling that the judge in Jackson County made reversed. But in that timeframe, Noah‘s father has blatantly gone against our court order multiple times. We have filed for contempt of court, motion to enforce, and now will have to further what we are filing for for the sole fact that Noah‘s father does not support my relationship with him whatsoever. He does this by either not allowing phone calls, making Noah think that there are fun activities for him to do while we have our phone calls, or allowing Noah to say he doesn’t want to talk and hang up the phone immediately. If Noah was still living in the same state answering the phone and hanging up would not be an option simply because we would still have visitation. Our judge made it very clear at the last hearing that Noahs Dad has to abide by the judgment. And even confirmed the dates that Noah would be here for now his March visitation. He is still using the excuse that our DHS and criminal investigation from the alleged child abuse is not closed, which it is 100%. I have confirmed with both the detective and our DHS worker that they are both closed. for those reasons, he is not sending my son for his visit on spring break like he should. Although this doesn’t surprise me because he has disobeyed our court order so many times it does break my mama heart. My kids sit on FaceTime three times a week waiting to talk to their brother. My kids wait constantly to even just have the slightest bit of conversation with their brother. I had a child with someone who does not support that relationship. Parental alienation is real. And it’s raw and heartbreaking. And at the end of the day, the only person that suffers is the child. In the last year I have spent almost $30,000 trying to bring my son home, and I have a strong hope that he will be home but for now I have hardly been able to have a conversation with him since he left my home on January 8. The reason why I am starting this go fund me is because his father has made it clear he is not going to send him on spring break. By raising this money I will be able to go out to Wisconsin to see my son for a visit, and spend some much needed time with him, without anyone else around. My three other kids, have taken the blunt of this. I have been lucky to put them to bed one night a week, so I can work since I work nights as a server. If you have gotten this far, I am so grateful to anyone who has read all of this. It’s a lot and I don’t wish this battle on anyone. Between airfare, a hotel, and a rental car, a trip for just myself is about $2,000. I am absolutely happy to answer any questions anyone may have, simply because I have nothing to hide. I want my baby boy home, but until then, a visit with him would mean the world to me. Thank you so much!


  • Lindsay Geith
    • $30
    • 1 yr
  • Anonym
    • $700
    • 2 yrs
  • Taylor Christian
    • $10
    • 2 yrs
  • Steffanie Desautel
    • $100
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 2 yrs


Augenet Horner
Medford, OR

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