Help Sumaya Farah Ali recover from the dog attack.
Donation protected

My sister Sumaya, and stepmother Sacadiya were attacked by 5 dogs when they were coming from school. Alhamdulilah she is doing okay now, and is home with us.
She was severely attacked by 5 dogs when walking back from school. When they were walking back just half a block away, a big dog had run up and started biting at Sumaya. Sacadiya tried to stop that dog but the other dogs surrounded them.
Sumaya was injured and had pieces of nose, ear, and thigh bitten off. The doctors were able to stitch together the best they could.
We want to make sure we can get access to a plastic surgeon to make sure that she has no more scarring than is possible since she has injuries to her face.
About the family,
Sumaya, her sisters and brothers, and Sacadiya have only been here for 4 months since October. This has really shaken us up and Sumaya and her sister Munira are afraid to go to school. They came here to the US initially for my sister Munira to get surgery for a congenital heart defect because of Congenital rubella syndrome but now also Sumaya has gone to the hospital for this attack we never thought this would happen.
Jazakumullah for all of your support!
Abdiaziz Ahmed
St. Paul, MN