Whirlwind Fighter Project
Doação protegida
The Whirlwind replica project has now been widely publicised, but for those who are not fully aware of it, details are fully laid out in our website:
Basically, the aim is to build an accurate ‘Full Scale’ non flying replica of the Whirlwind fighter.
The Whirlwind was designed by WEW Petter, who also designed the Lysander, Welkin, Wyvern, Canberra and Gnat, that is besides initiating the Lightning.
The absence of a Whirlwind in the World’s Museum inventory is a regrettable gap that we feel should be filled, and would help give WEW Petter his place in history.
£5 for 5lb Appeal ( gofundme does not except donations of less than £5.00 )
Like all such projects, fund raising is a problem, and most of us while being sympathetic to the aims of such ventures, don’t really want to get directly involved.
The £5 per £5lb appeal is aimed at raising funds to get the project moving and offering the opportunity for everyone to take part.
A Whirlwind weighed 11,379lb at Take-off, which is the target, to raise £11,379.
all that is asked is a £5 donation, but 0f course if you want to offer more (Please do)
You don’t have to join anything or even give your name, or be asked for e-mail address. Donations of more than £5 will of course be welcome.
Progress will be reported on the Home Page of the website, for all to see.
Of course, you can become a member, which, carries no fee or commitment, but gives you access to a wide range of material on the Whirlwind and details of the project activity, and you can get as involved as you wish, with likeminded people.
Members are asked to label up a suitable tin and show it around a bit.
Not too forcibly, tin shakers drive you away, but if you give a talk or aero jumble stall, put it around, or maybe a ‘Swear box’
We are hoping that Aviation Societies will take part by having a collection at their meetings, there will also be some way of contributing at any air show where the Whirlwind project is represented.
They did it for the Vulcan on a much bigger scale.
This has to be easy, doesn’t it!
Basically, the aim is to build an accurate ‘Full Scale’ non flying replica of the Whirlwind fighter.
The Whirlwind was designed by WEW Petter, who also designed the Lysander, Welkin, Wyvern, Canberra and Gnat, that is besides initiating the Lightning.
The absence of a Whirlwind in the World’s Museum inventory is a regrettable gap that we feel should be filled, and would help give WEW Petter his place in history.
£5 for 5lb Appeal ( gofundme does not except donations of less than £5.00 )
Like all such projects, fund raising is a problem, and most of us while being sympathetic to the aims of such ventures, don’t really want to get directly involved.
The £5 per £5lb appeal is aimed at raising funds to get the project moving and offering the opportunity for everyone to take part.
A Whirlwind weighed 11,379lb at Take-off, which is the target, to raise £11,379.
all that is asked is a £5 donation, but 0f course if you want to offer more (Please do)
You don’t have to join anything or even give your name, or be asked for e-mail address. Donations of more than £5 will of course be welcome.
Progress will be reported on the Home Page of the website, for all to see.
Of course, you can become a member, which, carries no fee or commitment, but gives you access to a wide range of material on the Whirlwind and details of the project activity, and you can get as involved as you wish, with likeminded people.
Members are asked to label up a suitable tin and show it around a bit.
Not too forcibly, tin shakers drive you away, but if you give a talk or aero jumble stall, put it around, or maybe a ‘Swear box’
We are hoping that Aviation Societies will take part by having a collection at their meetings, there will also be some way of contributing at any air show where the Whirlwind project is represented.
They did it for the Vulcan on a much bigger scale.
This has to be easy, doesn’t it!
Equipe de arrecadação de fundos: Fundraiser Team (3)

Chris Hayward
Gunnar Olsen
Team member
Robert Bowater
Team member