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Year Four!
When discussing plans for this event, a relative mentioned to me that perhaps celebrating my father's life in this way could be a disservice. Specifically, because it highlights the lowest point in my father's life.
We must remember that helping people in need is meeting them where they are, when they are there, without judgment and with compassion. People are more than their circumstances, and you never know the curves life can throw at you.
Daddy Pete taught me to, "be careful what and who you laugh at, the same things that make you laugh, can and just might be the same things that make you cry!"
Other people doled out unsolicited advice stating, "those people" (who this event seeks to help) are the same people who do not in fact deserve to be helped, because "they don't help themselves."
To this, I say, that helping people is YOUR business. You help them because you want to, not because you expect them to do something in return – for themselves or you. In addition to giving without conditions, we should all practice, minding our OWN business.
2023 has been full of highs and lows! I welcomed a new baby, who is healthy, fierce, and wonderful. I also relocated to the Bay Area, quit my corporate job, and transitioned into motherhood while still balancing all of my other responsibilities. I am not perfect, but I am committed to showing up how I can.
With all of the tragedy happening in the world, it feels appropriate to come together as a community and support in ways that are within our control.
This year's Annual Charity Memorial is delayed, but alas . . . the 2023 FOURTH Annual Long Live Daddy Pete Memorial is in effect!
Through my longstanding collaboration with SHARE Community and other community organizations in the area, we are gearing up to help our unhoused brothers and sisters weather this winter season and lift their spirits, with the usual supplies and fun-filled activities.
Please donate to make our efforts fruitful and impactful. Your contributions will go directly to SHARE Community and will therefore be eligible for 100% tax deductions.
Melia Thompson
Martinez, CA
SHARE Community