Fundraise for Funeral Costs
Rob Van Pelt was going to a routine medical procedure when something unknown went terribly wrong and he flatlined under light sedation. He was able to be revived after many attempts and what went from a routine 20-minute appointment left him without oxygen for several minutes and he had to be life-flighted to the nearest emergency hospital with a cardiac team. He is currently unresponsive and trying to breathe on his own, but is needing to be transported to a hospital with a neurology center due to possible damage to the brain and prolonged brain seizure activity. Due to COVID-19, the waiting list for a bed is unknown. This gofundme is not only for his medical bills but as well as for his wife's hotel expenses as she remains by his side, but she is not allowed to stay the night at the hospital. The total for all expenses remains unknown, as well as the cause of this sudden tragedy. Anything helps as his family tries to navigate through this difficult time and get by financially.
Rob is a beloved father, stepfather, husband, son, brother, teammate, and artist. We are hoping for a miracle, but the future is unknown. We appreciate any love and support!