One Womb, One World
Donation protected
For those that don't know me, I'm Clare and I have created a therapy to help women who are on a fertility journey or who suffer with menstrual or digestive complaints.
I have taught this therapy to over 180 therapists worldwide, all of these therapists live in the Western World and share the therapy within their communities. Many babies are born each year, and between us we help thousands of women create a better life.
This August, I am hosting a Fertility Massage Course in Bali. Some of the participants will be flying in from Australia, New Zealand, UK and Dubai.
I have been approached by some Indonesian ladies, who are interested in learning this therapy, however, the cost is an obstacle for them.
I would like to raise money to enable at least 4 women from less-financially able countries to be able to attend. The money raised would cover their transport (flights in some cases), accommodation, food and course supplies.
The course fee will be waived.
I am incredibly passionate about this, as I believe that together, we can make a huge difference to many communities who may not have the opportunity to experience help on their fertility journey.
Fertility Massage doesn't only assist women on a fertility journey, it is useful for all reproductive complaints and can ease discomfort that many women experience, enabling them to gain access to help that they may not normally have. Medical help isn't as readily available in these countries, and so offering an alternative to help them with healing, understanding and knowing their bodies, has a huge ripple effect.
The women that are chosen to do this course would also have a life skill that offers them employment, and they can give back to their communities, bringing joy to hundreds of families. I will be requesting that women interested in attending submit their forms, detailing their reasons for wishing to attend and how they intend to use this within their communities.
If you wish to apply, please do so here
Take a look at the Retreat Centre and where these women will learn the massage, here
If you feel that you could donate, however small an amount, I would be extremely grateful. It's a beautiful gift that we can give to these women, their future babies, their families and communities.
Please do share this amongst your circles, and once again, many thanks for taking the time to read this!
I have taught this therapy to over 180 therapists worldwide, all of these therapists live in the Western World and share the therapy within their communities. Many babies are born each year, and between us we help thousands of women create a better life.
This August, I am hosting a Fertility Massage Course in Bali. Some of the participants will be flying in from Australia, New Zealand, UK and Dubai.
I have been approached by some Indonesian ladies, who are interested in learning this therapy, however, the cost is an obstacle for them.
I would like to raise money to enable at least 4 women from less-financially able countries to be able to attend. The money raised would cover their transport (flights in some cases), accommodation, food and course supplies.
The course fee will be waived.
I am incredibly passionate about this, as I believe that together, we can make a huge difference to many communities who may not have the opportunity to experience help on their fertility journey.
Fertility Massage doesn't only assist women on a fertility journey, it is useful for all reproductive complaints and can ease discomfort that many women experience, enabling them to gain access to help that they may not normally have. Medical help isn't as readily available in these countries, and so offering an alternative to help them with healing, understanding and knowing their bodies, has a huge ripple effect.
The women that are chosen to do this course would also have a life skill that offers them employment, and they can give back to their communities, bringing joy to hundreds of families. I will be requesting that women interested in attending submit their forms, detailing their reasons for wishing to attend and how they intend to use this within their communities.
If you wish to apply, please do so here
Take a look at the Retreat Centre and where these women will learn the massage, here
If you feel that you could donate, however small an amount, I would be extremely grateful. It's a beautiful gift that we can give to these women, their future babies, their families and communities.
Please do share this amongst your circles, and once again, many thanks for taking the time to read this!
Clare Blake