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Branden’s memorial service

Spende geschützt

Raising funds for Branden’s memorial service this weekend. This will cover the air bnb, food, drinks, chair/table rentals, memory cards, prints, balloon release, etc...

Branden went above and beyond to always make sure people were taken care of and having a good time. Lets have a loving service in his honor. Depression took a dear friend away from many people. He battled for awhile and many of us witnessed the pain first hand. We want to remember the better days. When he was at his happiest and living life to the fullest. We appreciate anything you can contribute as we are throwing everything together last minute...

We need 2k to cover the basic costs, but if we can reach goal we'll be able to add extras to the service.

Thank you



  • Z M
    • $25
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam (3)

victoria fox
Las Vegas, NV
ky Nicole
Team member
Marcel Harris
Team member

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