To help with Funeral Expenses for Lauren Robinson
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This is now to help with funeral expenses for Lauren. Please keep her family and friends in your prayers. ❤️
5/28/23 I just wanted to let everyone know today has been hard as hell. I truly appreciate each and everyone of you that's checked in on us. As of right now Lauren is still on the ventilater and sedated. But she's a fighter and occasionally wakes up and can hold my hand and tell me she loves me! ❤️ They have plans to do a small centimeter hole in her head for a drain tube for fluid in the brain. As of right now she no longer has buildup in her spine. This is a very good thing it's just down to one area which means shes making progress. With this tube she will no longer need spinal taps. They will also be able to keep pressure off her brain that's causing the strokes. This option or a shunt has not been done yet because it was trying to be avoided and the medications shes on puts her at a high risk of serious bleeding when inserting either one. So at this time we will be waiting as they reduce medicine to thicken the blood so they can do the drain. It may be a minute before my next update unless anything changes. Please please please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!
Thank you,
5/18/23 Lauren update: Just before 2am I was hit with news no Husband wants to hear. Last I spoke with Lauren we told each other we love you and she was going for a test and I didn't hear anything for quite sometime. I was later grabbed by a nurse and taken to an operating room where I was told that a main blood vessel in Lauren's brain had collapsed. She started to shut down as well as lose all functions on her left side. The doctor told me that Lauren would not make it much longer than possibly 8am today. They told me I had to choose whether to have her returned to our room and just hold her hand and wait on the worse to come or we could have a very dangerous procedure performed to save her. This procedure has a 50/50 chance of survival rate and if it went wrong I could loose her sooner right there on the operating table. Main concern would be vessels explode while trying to open them up for blood flow to the brain. I made the decision that if thats what has to be done to keep My wife and mother to our children here with us longer than 8am today then thats what I want to do. After 3 long Hours the doctors came in and let us know that Lauren is tough as hell and made it through the procedure. The only concern now would be when she wakes up and how she is mentally and physically. After about another hour just before 6am Lauren returned to her room and is still heavily sedated and on minimal settings on a ventilater for several hours to help her. She woke up and was able to move everything she was asked to do and even though she cannot speak right now was able to use her mouth to perfectly say get this out of me talking about the tubes. We still have a long road to recovery as well as affects of meningitis as well as continue to monitor her brain but God is so good and she is still here with us. Please continue to keep her in your prayers! I've been up for about 27hrs and I'm going to try and rest please dont call or text me at this time. I will update on her status as she wakes up later on today.
Thank you!
5/17/23 Lauren update: since my last post a few days ago things have taken a hard turn. As of Now we are in ICU. Lauren is still fighting meningitis on top of having two mild strokes today. They are saying she has a clot in her brain which has caused less blood flow which has also been the culprit to the bad headaches. She is now at a high risk of a major stroke. And she is just getting out of an emergency procedure where they had to run cameras through her throat and check all valves and her heart. They will have to increase her blood pressure with medicines to hopefully let the Clot take care of its self. In the event it does not she will need surgery to have it fixed. Please please please continue to keep her in your prayers.
This GoFundMe is to help pay for medical bills as she has no insurance at this time. She is also out of work and will be for months.
Thank you.
Brittany Corbello
Vidor, TX