4ZG Sponsored Rain Tests and Educational Materials
Donation protected
ZERO GEOENGINEERING (#ZG) has sponsored dozens of lab tests @~ $100-200 / each, for people to get their rain or snow analyzed for Geoengineering pollution footprints. We have also given away thousands of flyers and bumper stickers to help educate on this critically important environmental health and public safety matter.
Thank you for your support!
To document the #Geoengineering "footprints" in the USA & Worldwide, we are collecting rain and snow and sending the samples to independent labs for analysis. Testing rain and snow is one way to see if geoengineering pollutants are in our air.

Patent: Combustible compositions for generating aerosols particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process
Participants receive a copy of the report to share with family, friends and neighbors, and to deliver copies to their hometown Representatives, along with legislative documents to advocate for Anti-Geoengineering initiatives in every state and nation.
For more info:
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Some of ZG Sponsored Lab Tests:
Sassenheim, Netherlands Rain - November 27, 2019

Jolie Diane
San Rafael, CA