5000 Ways To Say I Love You
Donation protected
We need your help… if you have ever felt inspired by the work we do or have found a new family member through our shelter, I beg of you to support this opportunity for our animals. A very special animal lover has offered to match every dollar that is donated to Felines & Canines between now and December 31, 2015 up to $5,000! This has been an exceptionally expensive year for our shelter as a result of the huge number of medical cases, senior animals, and hospice care pets we have welcomed into our program. As most of you know, we are a very small shelter with extremely limited financial resources, yet we try to always step up and take on the dogs and cats that no one else will help (especially the big shelters with abundant financial and physical resources.) Please make whatever size donation you can so we can continue with our mission. All of the MooShoo’s, Tink’s, Addie’s, Roadie’s, Coy’s and Sarge’s of Felines & Canines have their lives because of you. Thank you for giving what you can. You are everything to us! Happy Holidays and Lots of Love – Abby and Crew.
Abby Smith
Chicago, IL