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#53: Travis Cole: We're all behind you!!!

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The situation in Travis' Mom, Sherris own words:

I call him  #53 but he IS Travis.. MY #1 son. After weeks of tests and dr appts he has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma. We ask " how does this happen to a healthy 20 yr old kid ?".Why ? What did we miss ??? We are mad at the world right now and I dont like this feeling. Walked thru Dana Farber for 9 hours today ( yes, 9 ) . saw all kinds of sick people, young and old. It broke my heart but I kept praying to God that we would get good news after all the tests. He will start a clinical trial chemo, as that is the best choice for him at this time. He is young and WILL get strong again. I am his #1 fan and will see to it that he kicks this cancer to the curb.
We wont go away defeated.
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Karen Hunt LeBlanc
Malden, MA
Travis Cole

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