Time For Tracey
Donation protected
Who they are, an introduction......
Tracey, Dominic, Oonagh, Fiachra, Sarah and Fianna Marie
Hi Everyone, we are the family and friends Briege Crossan, Ciara Quinn and Caoilfionn O'Hanlon of the wonderful gorgeous and vibrant whirlwind that is Tracey (McVerry) Crossan.
Tracey is the fabulous wife to Dominic, her teenage sweetheart of 33 years and proud Mammy of their four beautiful children;
Oonagh aged 17, a striving young artist in the making with a heart of gold and a graceful attitude to life and people.
Fiachra aged 15, her only son who is a passionate young footballer, loyal to the core with buckets full teenage humour and energy.
Sarah aged 14, an arty, rock n roll loving young lady who knows her own mind and carries herself with ease in her own skin.
Fianna aged 12, a feisty little fire cracker full of love, as her Daddy said once, "she is the glue that holds us all together"
The Crossan family proudly hail from the rolling hills of South Armagh, N Ireland between the villages of Newtownhamilton and Whitecross.
Life was good for this wee family; Tracey working full time as a successful glass artist from her studio, at their 200 year old family home whilst juggling being a Mammy. Dominic being the main carer for his children whilst managing his ongoing illness with pride and honour and the children, growing faster every day, making their own way into finding themselves as young adults with individual personalities and aspirations. A normal family of six living day to day in rural Ireland.
In July 2023, Tracey received the devastating news that she had Stage 4, Terminal Colon Cancer that had rapidly spread to other organs and was non operable. At this point she was given a life expectancy of 3-6 months without treatment and 6-9 months with treatment.
And so the dreaded cancer journey began....
We have started this gofundme page in the hope that we can raise funds to help Tracey travel to Mexico and allow her to avail of specialist alternative treatment at Hope4Cancer. Tracey and Dominic have always been the first people to step up to help others in their times of need and we vow to show them the same love and support.
We know that this loving family will be humbled in deep appreciation of anything you can donate to help them on this quest for valuable time.
Please follow their journey at #timefortracey on Instagram and Facebook where we will keep you all up to date with further fundraiser initiatives. Thank you in advance for your kindness and compassion.
Where the Journey Begins - July 2023
Surgery and Diagnosois
After a prolonged spell of Covid 19 with unusual symptoms, on the morning of 1st July 2023, Tracey underwent a colonoscopy to be told that they had found something untoward, that it was very likely cancerous and that she would be referred to the Oncology Team at Craigavon Hospital. This shocking news knocked her for six, she had experienced no symptoms, was 100% health wise and was full of her usual energy and go get them momentum.
On the same day, Co Armagh where playing against Co Monaghan in the All Ireland Quarter Finals at Croke Park, Dublin. Tracey had tickets for herself and her children to attend this momentous match. She returned home from the colonoscopy, running a little behind time, packed the car with the children, the county colours and the customary packed lunch for the long day out at Croke Park and hit the road. She planted the news from early that morning at the back of her head, put on the tunes at full blast and trundled down the motorway with a car full of excited teenagers and a motorway full of hundreds of supporters to cheer on their county.
This little tit-bit is important as it sets the scene for how exactly Tracey has dealt with this cancer journey from word go.
With tenacity, strength, fighting spirit, positive attitude, unwillingness to give up and a crystal clear yearn for life with her family. Cancer was not stealing away what was rightfully hers and certainly not without a damned good fight, her mantra being 'Bring it On"
17th July 2023
Chemotherapy Begins
Once the Oncology team got involved, things began to move very quickly for Tracey. Numerous CT Scans, MRI's, Ultrasounds, X-Rays and the joyous blood tests. Results came back pretty quickly in terms of time but as slow as a snail in terms of mental capacity of dealing with the wait. She was allocated a wonderful surgeon and the beat cancer ship set sail.
On the 17th July, Tracey had an operation to remove a large section of her Colon where the initial cancer was found. Thankfully this was a success and she did not require a Colostomy Bag.
The scans prior to the operation had shown cancer in Tracey's Colon and Liver but whilst the surgeon was operating he found that the cancer had also spread to other organs within this area; the Bowel, the Stomach, an Ovary and the Peritoneal Wall. This was not good news.
Two days after her surgery Tracey and her husband Dominic were brought into a side room on the surgical ward to receive what they thought would be a plan to remove the cancer from the liver and then start Chemotherapy to mop up any left over nasties. Instead they were hit with a massive tsunami of unprecedented statements and words;
Terminal Rapid. Spread Palliative Care. Slow it Down
6-9 Months. Hospice Support. Life Expectancy. What the Hell?
Words that made no sense, words that did not belong in the conversation. Words that clearly had nothing to do with them. Words that belonged to someone else and not this 49 year old mother of four who had way to much to do and was squeezing the operation dates into a very busy schedule. Words that in ten minutes turned their world upside down and inside out. Words that could not be taken back.
25th August
Chemotherapy, Side Effects and Outcome
After the devastating conversation with the surgeon who had the heart breaking job of sharing the extent of Tracey's cancer diagnosis, a few weeks to try to digest the surreal news that they had been given and a few weeks of recovery time from the surgery, she was introduced to her Oncologist. The man with all the answers, the plan, the way forward, the man who has had her back from the word go.
A six month programme of Chemotherapy was set in place, every three weeks Tracey received Chemo via intravenous drip along with Chemo tablets. The ultimate aim of this treatment was to slow the progression of the cancer spread and buy Tracey more time. It was never seen as a cure or a way to get rid of the cancer. Time was always the main goal, every second being of utmost importance.
Side Effects
The treatment came with its glorious side effects, just as a little bonus card to be remembered by.
Peripheral Neuropathy (painful. pins and needles in your hands and feet, once it sets in, its there for life) Sensitivity to cool air, and surfaces which causes pain, Extremely dry and chaffed skin particularly on the hands and feet, Nausea, Diarrhea, Extreme Exhaustion, Dizziness to name but a few.
Tracey was lucky enough in that she only experienced the Peripheral Neuropathy, Sensitivity to Cool Temperatures and Extreme Exhaustion. To put it into perspective, she was able to sleep at the blink of an eye and sleep deeply for days on the trot. She experienced exhaustion that took complete control of her body and lasted for up to three months. Touching a cup that was a slightly cooler temperature than her body put her hand immediately into a pins and needles spasm. Opening the fridge to get some milk set her hands into spasm, walking on a tiled floor after a wooden floor in wooly socks gave her pins and needles that would shoot up her lower legs.
These were mild side effects compared to some people's experiences, so she always felt she was one of the lucky ones and took it in her stride as best she could. Unfortunately it took its toll on the family, where Tracey wasn't present for the best part of three months, spending most of her time sleeping, unable to talk to family and friends through pure exhaustion and slipping into bouts of depression and quiet seclusion. It was a tough time for everyone.
At the beginning of November, Tracey received a catch up CT Scan to see how the treatment had worked if at all. The outcome of this scan came back with fantastic results, showing that the treatment had worked, where lesions in her stomach and liver had receded significantly, where one lesion in particular had decreased from 12cm in length down to 4cm. This set Tracey, her family and her friends up for Christmas with a massive skip in their step and the possible outlook that things where actually moving in a more positive direction. At last some significant hope with a glowing light at the end of a long tunnel.
Needless to say, although spirits where high, Tracey's energy levels were low, they decided to celebrate Christmas as low key as possible and settled for a chilled out, quiet Christmas at home. They followed in tradition and had Tracey's, Mammy, Ann and brother, Shane for Christmas Day and her Mother in Law, Ita for St Stephens Day to celebrate time together and the prospect of the new and positive year ahead. With Dominic at the helm and the children flanking up at the rear they pulled together a very cosy and blanket laden Christmas full of Santa excitement, laughter, movies, toasty fires, cuddles and being together in their humble abode. Pure Bliss!
February 2024
Tracey's first programme of chemotherapy was completed at the end of January 2024. She was given a few weeks rest time with the view to starting a new treatment plan at the end of February. Before that she had another CT Scan to see how the treatment had gone. Given the results from the previous scan, aspirations where hopeful for further good news.
Sadly this was not the case, in fact it was the polar opposite. The scan revealed that Tracey's cancer had actually regrown in the areas it had receded and spread to further organs within her body. Both ovaries where now diseased with considerable growths on both, as well as growths on her lower lungs and pancreas and to top that off, her blood counters showed an alarming rate of progression.
This came as a devastating blow to Tracey, Dominic and their Oncologist, it certainly was not the news any of them were expecting nor wanted to hear.
At this point Tracey's Oncologist explained that at this rate of growth and how aggressive the cancer had became that the next step was palliative care chemotherapy. This basically meant that from there on out it was a case of managing Tracey's pain which had during the break period, started to creep in and her energy levels which where at an all time low. The treatment would also aim to hold back the cancer from advancing so aggressively.
He also explained that Tracey's time now was into a matter of close months. With her head hanging low for the first time since this journey began, her main worry was being able to celebrate her eldest daughters 18th Birthday in November 2024. Her consultant could not guarantee that and this threw both parents into a whirl wind of disbelief and sadness. What else could be thrown in their direction?
Tracey started the second round of treatment in late February 2024 and continues with it at present. She had another scan recently and awaits the results of this CT Scan on the 25th July. The second round of treatment has not effected Tracey's health what so ever, in fact she is feeling amazing at the minute, full of energy, zest for life, loving the craic, embracing her children and all that comes with their busy schedules, loving being a Mammy and enjoying some dedicated play time in her studio preparing for an exhibition in September. She hasn't quite made it into the garden yet but that is coming shortly all being well.
The accompanying medication of Morphine and Steroids have really assisted in Tracey managing her cancer progression but
unfortunately it is physically evident now that the cancer is still spreading, even without a CT Scan. She can physically feel the lesions in her tummy area grow and they are visible where she jokes she is harnessing a five month pregnancy. We have a good idea that the results will not be good but we are prepared for that with all the fight we can muster to keep this one horse show on the road.
In the Background
February 2023 - June 2024
Throughout this journey Tracey has been adamant from the beginning that she was willing to try anything to stop the beast that is cancer in its tracks and not let it steal from her what is rightfully her own, her life.
At the beginning she expressed to her consultant that she wanted to be considered as a serious contender for Clinical Trials if they could help get on top of the progression of the cancer.
Her consultant supported Tracey on this quest and researched what was available for her in Ireland and the UK. Unfortunately there is nothing suitable for Tracey's cancer type nor the stage that it is at in either of these jurisdictions.
Tracey was lucky to have an expert, help her navigate the world of Clinical Trials beyond the confines of the UK and Ireland. She began looking at centers of medical excellence in Europe, Switzerland, Australia and the USA.
This in itself was a massive undertaking as it is an entirely alien world, with its own specific language of codes and medical jargon that is not made easy for lay mans eyes or understanding. After exhausting all opportunities of suitable trials in Europe, Switzerland and Australia, Tracey had one last chance in the USA.
The Mayo Clinic, which is a leading centre of excellence for Cancer as well as other illnesses had a series of trials that where looking promising for her. She had completed a self referral with her medical notes and scan results, spoken to junior doctors and a leading oncologist and had organised a cross Atlantic zoom to discuss the posability of attending their clinic for trials. With seven oncology experts in the States on one side of the Atlantic and Tracey on the other, sitting in her brothers front room she was given the heart breaking news that the trials they had available where for her specific cancer type but where not for the stage of cancer Tracey has. They are in the process of developing that trial but it would be at least a year to two years away from being ready to roll out to patients. This is time Tracey and her family don't have to juggle with. Another let down and another slap in the face, when being so close to something so optimistic and hopeful, for it to be taken away in a ten minute conversation was gutting.
What Next - Mexico....
With another blow to their armour, Tracey and her family where left reeling with the news of the trials coming to a complete dead end. Almost a year of research, learning, head wrecking and anticipation, quashed in a blink of an eye. Somehow the family pulled themselves from the floor and started again. Shane Traceys brother, who was like a dog with a bone started the process of looking elsewhere for something different.
He came across a you tube video of an older American man who had a similar cancer diagnosis to Tracey. He had attended a clinic in Mexico to receive an alternative line of treatment to attempt to stem the progression of his stage 4 cancer. He had experienced an arduous journey with chemotherapy in America over a two year period and was at the end of his tether. Shane's ears pricked up and his eyes started to scroll until he found several more videos of the same nature from various clinics across Mexico.
Hope4Cancer - Mexico - Hope, Life, Love
Have they at last something to hang their coats on, that has standing, is trustworthy, has proven results of patients in remission or buying additional time, isn't airy fairy, doesn't whiff of a scam, isn't shrouded in bad press and dodgy dealings, offers treatments that are recognised as beneficial and non evasive, has proper medical facilities..... the list goes on.
Yet another tunnel of investigation and digging, understanding new languages and treatments, but this time the odds are bad in terms of time. This time the clock is ticking very fast and they need to move faster. A group effort was needed and an investigation team formed naturally. Between them they thrashed out the pros and cons of Mexico, looked at negative reviews, watched copious videos, looked at glossy web sites and learnt about some of the wall treatments that didn't seem possible.
Eventually it was narrowed down to one clinic called Hope4Cancer in Tijuana and Cancun. A medical clinic specialising in alternative treatments to fight cancer.
Hope4Cancer offers patients an intensive regime of treatments over a period of three weeks. Six days a week with Sunday off, 9am to 6pm each day. Each treatment plan is tailored to each patients cancer and their specific needs in tackling that cancer specifically. They look at cancer from the inside out, identifying the source of the cancer in the body and why it mutated in the first place. They begin to attack the cancer cells with various types Immunotherapy, Whole Body Hypertherma, Near Infra Red Lamp Treatment, Near infra Red Sauna Treatment, Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxergen Chamber, Ultra Violet Biological Irradiation, Biological Dentistry and Cone Beam Scan to name but a few.
We will update this list in a day or two when the full treatment plan is offered by the specialist consultant team on Monday.
Tracey will fly to Mexico on the 5th of August with her life long friend, Tracey Gallogly to start treatment on the 7th August. They will remain in Tijuana for almost four weeks finishing treeatcoming home on the 29th August and returning home to our beautiful green shores on the 30th of August
This is the start of an Amazing Cancer Journey ( can those three words ever be in the same sentence together)
A journey of collective positivity.
A journey of taking back some control.
A journey with positive outcomes.
A life changing journey for Tracey, her husband and her four children
A journey that will buy Tracey some very valuable time with her family and friends.
A journey that has the potential of gaining Tracey not just months of additional time but quite possibly years.
A journey that can inform and educate others on their own quest to conquer cancer or at least give it a damn good run for its money.
A journey that for the first time, has offered hope, light and love.
We would like to thank everyone for their amazing messages of support and generous donations so far. We will not be running any kind of competitions or prizes offered in exchange for donations from this go fund me page. But would like to voice our appreciation to the other local community fundraisers that are being held for Tracey. All funds raised will be transferred directly to Tracey Crossan herself so she can pay for her travel to Mexico, get the correct medical insurance and cover the colossal treatment costs and support her young family through this difficult journey.
You can also follow our story and journey on our facebook page
Co-organizers (3)

Tracey Crossan
Northern Ireland
Breige Crossan
Team member
Ciara Quinn
Team member