They say God only gives you what you can handle he must think my cousin Kevin and his wife Ginny are the strongest people on earth. These are the kindest people you would ever meet, hard working and too much pride to ask for help, but they need it A few months ago their son went to the doctor for a sore leg which was x-rayed and the doctor said a slight sprain. 2 months later found out it was cancer and had progress so much his femur bone snapped in half. He spent weeks in the hospital to find the type of cancer and the hospital is 2 hours away. I went there a couple times to spend time with them at the hospital the 2nd trip I didn't realize but I had the flu. A week later Ginnny caught the flu and within 2 weeks was in the hospital unable to walk. The doctors think she has Gillian Bray syndrome which is devastating. She came home from the hospital yesterday and today Kevin went to the hospital to be with his son starting his chemo when he gets a call that his house has burned to the ground. Thank God Jenny made it out. Between all the medical bills and now having no home or belongings and being unable to work this nightmare has been emotionally and financially devastating. If you are able to help them or share this it would be so much appreciated if all you have to offer is a prayer for this wonderful family that would be appreciated also. thank you