Live. Laugh. Adopt.
Hi! We are Brittany and Johnathan and we are currently in the process of adopting a baby from the United States. We started the process last February and are now in what we hope are the final stages of our 1st adoption. It is our desire to grow our family through adoption because we feel strongly that God has called us to it. While we know that not everyone is called to adopt, we do believe that everyone is called to care for orphans and defend the cause of the fatherless.
Unfortunately adoption is expensive and right now the only thing preventing us from bringing a baby home is raising the rest of the money. We don't believe that the high cost should stand in the way of giving a child a happy home, filled with people who are crazy about them! We are trusting that God will provide a way, through others who come alongside us to be His hands and feet. We'd love for you to be a part of our daughter's story!
The words Thank You will never feel like they come close to adequately expressing our gratitude, but we pray that you know we are deeply grateful.
xo. Brittany & Johnathan
(and kids... all of them!)