5759 Bogie Swap
We need your help to complete the first stage of returning 2EPB 5759 to main line operation. We have recently secured three recently overhauled bogies, which we intend to swap with the current ones. We will need to overhaul one current trailer bogie, fitted to the Driving Trailer, 77558 to complete the work. We have just completed the rail movement to our contractor’s workshops in Burton-on-Trent, where this work will take place. Thanks in advance for your contribution to make the Electric Preservation Breakthrough.
The bogie swap is now underway and is progressing well. Motor Coach, 65373 of 5759 is the first to be dealt with and is receiving the bogies from 5703’s Motor Coach, 65302. The new picture for this fundraiser depicts the swap in progress.
The next phase once 65373 is completed will be 5759’s Driving Trailer leading bogie overhaul. This bogie is the only one that we do not have an already overhauled replacement for and which will require inspection and a light overhaul.
If you haven’t already donated, or if you would like to further support our work, we would be very grateful.
Robert Baines
EPB Preservation Group