Toys for Children’s Hospital
In 2019 my daughter Khamila spent a great deal of time at children’s hospital battling meningitis and going through spinal cord surgery. Thanks to the great team of doctors, therapists and staff, Khamila is active and full of life. Khamila remembers her therapies fondly because of the relationships with Ms. Sarah and Ms. Erica who worked patiently with her. In the most difficult of times, Ms. Sarah or Ms. Erica were able to reward Khamila with something from the Toy Room. Needless to say, that was her favorite part of therapy. Thanks to the donations of toys from individuals and businesses, the Toy Room is able to be stoked with goodies that make an otherwise painful and difficult time a bit easier.
Khamila has not forgotten her time at Children’s Hospital. In particular the times where the Toy Room. She is afraid that because of the COVID-19, there are not enough toys for kids. Khamila has decided to break her piggy bank and buy as many toys as she can and bring them to Ms. Sarah and Ms. Erica for the many kids they help every day.
We ask, if you are financially able, to consider a small donation to purchase new toys for the Physical Therapy clinic at Children’s Hospital
God Bless