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Radial Surgery

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On February 21st at cheer practice I was doing two backhandsprings when I felt an unbearable pain. With the help of my loving teammates, coaches and Mandy Mullins I was transferred to Medspring. Upon arrival, I was told that they couldn’t get the cast stabilizing my arm off- since I was in so much pain I had to be transferred to the ER. At the ER I was told I didn’t need surgery and that I would only need a cast after they stretched out my arm, putting on a splint. We were referred to an orthopedic surgeon who then told us I need surgery because the break was clean and more serious than we initially thought. They inserted a plate and six screws and now I’m on recovery for approximately 3 months. This process has taken a toll on my family and I emotionally, physically and mentally so it would mean the world to us if you could donate. We’re grateful for anything, nothing is too small; again thank you to everyone who has made this a lot easier. God bless you all.



  • Chazz Spiers
    • $20
    • 6 yrs


Karen Assenga
Houston, TX

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