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Raguso Girls Fundraiser

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Thursday the Commack Fire Department and this great nation of ours lost a great American Patriot, friend and brother. Christopher Raguso, a New York Air National Guard Flight Engineer, died while protecting our freedom, when his helicopter crashed in Iraq killing all seven on board. Chris served as a Lieutenant in Commack Fire Department's Company 4 and for the FDNY. Chris was always there to help anyone with anything, he would never say no. Please keep Chris and his family in your thoughts and prayers.Our hearts break for these two little girls who will have to grow up without their Daddy. In honor of their, Dad who is a true American hero and sacrificed his life for our country, Please help support his girls


  • John & Sarah Zanetis
    • $360
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jennifer Kudreyko- Muilenburg
Commack, NY
Carmela Raguso

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