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Adriana's Swimathon for Impact Nations

After being inspired by the story of George Muller, an evangelist and director of the Ashley Down orphanage in the early 1800s, Adriana has a heart to help others in need.
She is planning on doing a Swimathon on July 31 to raise money for an Impact Nations ministry that works that works in many extremely poor areas around Nakuru, Kenya including a refugee village and people living in the garbage dump.
Before the pandemic hit, Pastor Mike worked to provide food, get many of the school age children in school and set up a preschool for children living in the garbage dump and has literally been keeping the people in the refugee village who have fled tribal violence alive.
During the coronavirus pandemic, the world's most vulnerable people have begun to starve, including the people living in this area. Unable to leave their homes to find work, day laborers are already out of food and are running out of time. Their greatest need is simply to eat.
Adriana would like your support to raise money to send to this ministry in Kenya. She plans to raise pledges and swim as many lengths as she can in one hour. You can pledge per length or give a lump sum donation.
All of the money she raises, will be sent to this ministry via Impact Nations.


  • Anónimo
    • $100
    • 4 años
  • Anónimo
    • $76
    • 5 años
  • Anónimo
    • $20
    • 5 años
  • Anónimo
    • $76
    • 5 años
  • Anónimo
    • $30
    • 5 años


Kim VanLochem
Agassiz, BC

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