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Dental Emergency, Fatal If Untreated

Spende geschützt
I have a massive infection in my mouth that is now considered a medical emergency and the dentist said it’s out of his expertise. It’s eaten through my jaw bone and I have to go to Baltimore to get surgery and get bone grafts in my jaw to replace what the infection has eaten away.. I cant afford this what so ever. If the infection gets too severe it can travel up into my brain and kill me. I don’t know what I am supposed to do, I already currently work two jobs and after my rent I barely have enough to live on and my insurance isn’t going to cover a lot of it. Anything helps, thank you so much for reading this.


  • Andrew Gerrish
    • $2,000
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Rosie Alvena
Frederick, MD
Joseph Stanford

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