Funeral arrangements and financial support
Donation protected
the following link will take you to Terry’s obituary as well as give the funeral arrangements. Feel to reach out to myself or the rest of the family for more information. *Dates of visitation and Service are both for Friday the 14th. Terry Fielder Obituary
I’m Rebecca Merseal and I am Terry’s oldest sister. In the early hours of July 6th, Terry was in a bad motorcycle accident. His injuries were significant and serious enough that he was taken straight to surgery. By the morning of the 7th, Terry had had several strokes and prognosis wasn’t great. Family was brought in to do last goodbyes and just after 9pm Terry Earl Fielder, Jr. passed away. This fundraiser is to help Stephanie pay for the funeral arrangements and help pay bills. Anything that is donated will be going directly to her and the kids.
Organizer and beneficiary
Rebecca Merseal
Indianapolis, IN
Stephanie Fielder