5K a day for Ataxia UK
Ataxia UK is the leading UK charity for all people affected by Ataxia. They do not receive government funding and therefore are reliant upon fundraising efforts to keep driving their mission of supporting all those affected by the condition, discovering new treatments, and hopefully finding a cure someday.
Ataxia is a progressive neurological disorder which affects speech, balance and coordination. My dad was diagnosed over 15 years ago and is now living in a wheelchair. He was a firefighter and was very passionate about his job, but unfortunately had to go into medical retirement due to the gradual changes in his condition. Ataxia is hereditary, and so this means myself and my brother may possibly find ourselves living with the condition down the line.
My boyfriend Lewis and I are running 5K every day in July and are asking those close to us to kindly donate anything they can to support this effort. This money will fund further research into Ataxia, and could potentially lead to major changes in treatments and what we know about the condition for future generations affected, my brother and I included. It is through fundraising for Ataxia UK that we maintain hope for a future without Ataxia, or at the very least a future with improved knowledge of the disorder and the ways we can treat it together.
Thank you in advance for any contribution you are able to make! This cause means a lot to us and all support is greatly appreciated.
More information about Ataxia UK: We fund world-class medical research to identify causes and treatments. We help people to live with the condition by providing services, information and support that are not available elsewhere.
Fundraising team: Ewan and Lewis (2)
Ewan Barker
Ataxia UK
Lewis Callan
Team member