5K EVERYDAY - raising money for NHS
We have all been inspired by the incredible work that the NHS have been doing and the sacrifices that they have made being on the frontline, such as my step dad, Philip. As a family we have wanted to contribute in some sort of way, and this is how I have chosen to do so.
I will be doing 5K everyday. I will begin after my exams, starting on the 1st May and will continue till the 1st of June. I will be doing this in my permitted daily exercise period. Over the month period (if I have calculated correctly) I will cover 160km in distance!!
My fitness is not at its peak at the moment, and therefore I will keep progressing in speed (as well as reducing the number of stops hopefully :) )
Any donations to help me through the month would be very appreciated! I hope everyone is staying safe and well.
Georgie x