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NERO'S x-rays revealed that in addition to hypothermia he has what appears to be a large tumor inside his cranium. His sensory issues, swollen eyes, and exhaustion may be related to this growth. Due to the extremely poor physical condition that Nero is in, our veterinarian and staff have come to the extremely distressing conclusion that Nero would be unlikely to survive an invasive biopsy of this growth. Today's exam also revealed that Nero is over ten years old. Our vet cannot suggest an appropriate therapy to rehabilitate Nero, and recommends euthanasia.
We are extremely grateful for the outpouring of support that Nero received today. He is being hand fed and kept comfortable with Tramadol. Later today, he will be euthanized while he is warm, safe, and loved. In the meantime, your generous donations allowed us to have this set of x-rays taken so that we could make the best and most compassionate decision possible.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
"”Marnie Jones and the HSSV team
Nero is a large mixed breed dog who was found beside a river in Skagit County in near-death condition. Hypothermic, exuding pus and blood from his eyes, and virtually non-responsive, he was brought to our shelter in Burlington, Washington and immediately taken to the vet. He has severe trauma to his head and skull. He spent last night at the shelter and his pain is being managed. He's back at the vet today for skull x-rays, and we will do our best to find out the extent of his injuries and prognosis.
Our ability to provide diagnostics and treatment for Nero depends upon the funds we can raise. We are working with our veterinarian and law enforcement to determine whether Nero was the victim of criminal violence or a tragic accident.
All funds raised for this drive will go into our Second Chance Medical Rescue Fund, which is used exclusively to provide emergency veterinary care for homeless animals in need. Nero's care is our current top priority!
The Humane Society of Skagit Valley is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal shelter in Burlington, Washington. Our website is www.skagithumane.com. Our Facebook page is www.facebook.com/skagithumane. You may reach the shelter at (360) [phone redacted], and may make donations over the phone, by mail, or in person as well.
We will update this page in the coming days as we learn more about the prognosis and recommended treatment for Nero's condition.
Janine Ceja
Burlington, WA
Humane Society of Skagit Valley