Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Baby Brian

Donativo protegido
On 8/29/20 my brother and his family were involved in a horrific accident. The car was heading to Myrtle Beach, SC for a family vacation. My brother Brian Jr., sister-in-law Tara, nephews Brian (7 years old), MJ (8 months), and niece Brianna (9 years old) were struck by another vehicle.

Brian stopped the car to tend to MJ. He pulled over, walked to the passenger side of the vehicle, opened the door to get to the baby, and another car crashed into them. Fortunately, my brother and MJ did not sustain any physical injuries. Brianna suffered a broken collar bone and a deep cut to her arm. Tara sustained internal bleeding and broke her neck. This required surgery, and baby Brian, or Bubby, as his loving family knew him, suffered significant injuries that resulted in hours of medical intervention... Bubby was hurt beyond the point of continued life saving measures and passed away with his loving father at his bedside.

The family is currently split between Maryland and New York. The children are being looked after by family.

Expenses are a concern as this was a tragic event that no one could have anticipated happening. Brian and Tara remain in Maryland while she recovers. 

Any amount is greatly appreciated. Prayers are always welcomed.


  • Anónimo
    • 50 $
    • 5 años
  • Kristen Jerzak
    • 25 $
    • 5 años
  • sandy davenport
    • 50 $
    • 5 años
  • Linda Schaar
    • 50 $
    • 5 años
  • Cheryl Ranieri
    • 300 $
    • 5 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Dillon Shafer
Elmira, NY
Brian Smith

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