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Help the Cox family through their time of need.

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This is a gofundme for Daniel Cox, a dedicated husband and a father who was the victim of a head on collision caused by someone driving under the influence. Daniel sustained: 3 broken ribs, a punctured lung, a hernia in his lower abdomen, a ruptured patella tendon, multiple lacerations from the seat belt, and soft tissue damage covering a significant portion of his body. He has already undergone 2 surgeries and is expected to recieve further surgeries from his injuries. Any and all donations will go directly to Daniel, his wife Shauna, and their 4 year old daughter Delilah. Funds will be used to help cover medical bills, living expenses, lost wages, and any other expense they may deem neccesary. Any and all support is greatly appreciated. Please share and donate. Thank you.
Je contribue


  • Anonyme
    • $25
    • 9 mos
  • Lora Johnson
    • $25
    • 10 mos
  • Anonyme
    • $25
    • 10 mos
  • Anonyme
    • $25
    • 10 mos
  • Lawrence Eickstaedt
    • $25
    • 10 mos
Je contribue


Jeremy Wayne Gauf
Olympia, WA

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