The Dude's Medical Expenses
This was a very successful fund, that allowed my cat to live a great life for a year. My friends and strangers donated to the fund that paid for his treatment for this terrible condition.,.,. but now, a year later, he has a massive tumor and will die. My vet has been amazing, but she has her own problems now and I have got to pay her back. I have added $1000 above the initial REALIZED cost to pay her back as much as I can and make the last days of the Dude as comfortable as I can....
I am raising money for my cat Kid, Jr., also known as The Dude, a mature black shorthaired cat who has been my companion for over 13 years to have radiation treatment on his thyroid. (I want to make a correction. Initially I said it was surgery, but it is NOT. He needs a radio-oncology procedure. I corrected the title not to mislead.) He is being kept alive and somewhat healthy with morning and evening medication. His disease is Hyperthyroidism He is a bit older than some people think is work fixing! But he is a very old friend and (honestly, I am a pretty old person) had a good five more years that he can live in the lifestyle he should remain accustomed to!
I initially figured about $2000 based on the information I received when I first discovered the problem. The money collected needs to cover the actual procedure, which is provided by only two clinics locally and three altogether in the state. Radiocat is the national leader in the process, but the local VMC clinic has proven to be the more appropriate to our needs. The treatment is about $1200, but I found out that he will need a lot of laboratory work to determine if he is a candidate which starts with $350 of chest x-rays, tests and blood work etc. with my own vet first. Three previous sets of testing before intake to assure he is a good candidate round this up to about $2000 not to mention general visits and medication and potential aftercare.
OF COURSE you can order my artwork if you want to help, but if you can contribute whatever you wish, I would like to send you a thank you note with the painting I have featured above to anyone who can send me their snail mail address when they donate. (Not really sure how this works, as it is my first try!)