6th Annual Friends of Rupesh Golf Tournament
Go Time! It's time once again time to raise awareness and funds for one of our favorite in the industry. As many of you know Rupesh Kotiya is taking on a fight and we thought we could do something to help!
Tournament Day! 128 Golfers, and 25 additional Guests! All part of Friends of Rupesh and #FightALS!
Please consider, helping our cause and donate today!
Proceeds from this year's tournament will go to ALS Association Texas Chapter, a 501 (c)3 nonprofit.
Day of tournament in-person donations will be possible to either ALS Association Texas Chapter (501(c)3) or Kotiya Boy's College Savings.
- Thanks in advance for your participation. We look forward to seeing you on September 28th! Please share this page with all of our industry friends.