Unlock The Power of Building a Mikvah
Whether you seek success in a specific facet of life (health, livelihood, a shidduch/marriage partner, children or domestic harmony, etc.) or wish to express gratitude for the blessings you enjoy, the rewards of building a mikvah know no bounds. Partner with us in bringing a state-of-the-art women's mikvah, servicing the northwest suburbs of Chicago, to completion. Investing in the final construction phase of this mikvah, located in the heart of the Buffalo Grove, IL, will reap dividends for eternity. Please invite all of your family, friends and community members to share in this exciting endeavor and the wellspring of Divine blessings it brings. Thank you for your generosity and vision. Tizku l'mitzvot!
Buffalo Grove, IL and the surrounding region is home to thousands of Jewish families. Recently the community has taken giant strides in expanding its infrastructure for Jewish living, including the establishment of a superb day school offering excellence in Judaic and general studies, a successful, interactive Hebrew/Sunday school, Bar and Bat Mizvah prep programs, vibrant adult education and enrichment, one-on-one learning opportunities and exciting community events. With the completion of the new women's mikvah - the cornerstone of Jewish family life - the northwest suburban region of Chicago will be poised to experience magnificent spiritual growth affecting generations.
Phases one and two of construction are almost complete. Through the tireless efforts of Mikvah Association of Buffalo Grove and the kind support of Mikvah USA and its generous donors, (who are seeking Divine merits for children of their own), we are nearly ready to begin the third and final phase of construction. With your help, this vital project can be completed in a matter of weeks. Please help us raise the final funds needed to finish the construction of this beautiful mikvah. May you and your entire family be showered with abundant blessings always.
*The new mikvah is designed to accommodate all major opinions of Jewish law and therefore will be suitable for use by all Jewish women.
$1800 - Waters of Life
$1000 - Wellsprings of Tradition
$720 - A Gift for Generations
$540 - Eternal Rewards
$360 - Secret of Jewish Femininity
$180 - Family Harmony
$151 - Numerical Equivalent of "Mikvah"
$100, $72, $54, $36, $18, $10, $5 - Bountiful Blessings
Please visit the Women's Mikvah of Buffalo Grove site for specific dedication opportunities.
You can view the construction process images here.
Read what our sages have to say about helping build a mikvah here.
Thank you!