Donations for Daniel :)
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I have never done anything like this before, but I have some really amazing friends who desperately need some help right now. My long-time friends Will & Christine Kinchlea have a very sweet and special little boy named Daniel - he is not only special because he is an adorable, intelligent and affectionate little guy, but also because he lives each day with an undiagnosed serious autoinflammatory disease.
His condition is so rare that all of the top experts at Sick Kids hospital in Toronto have not been able to figure out what is causing his little body to respond so violently to any and every attack on his immune system. They have been able to control his symptoms with daily expensive injections so far, which has been a huge relief!
However, Will & Christine have spent countless hours in hospital as Daniel has gone through extensive testing and treatment, which is exhausting, frustrating and terrifying to say the least! As a mom who has also gone through having my precious little girl in hospital with a life-threatening condition, I can attest to the fact that it is draining in every way: emotionally, physically and also financially.
There are many costs involved in spending so much time at the hospital, not to mention unpaid time off of work (which, in the Kinchleas' case, was extensive), and the cost of travelling back and forth from London to Toronto, etc. As a result, the Kinchlea family is under an immense financial burden, having had to use their credit cards for these expenses. With the ongoing expense of more hospital visits and also all of Daniel's healthcare supplies (which are not covered by OHIP), Will & Christine face the possibility of losing their home and struggling to be able to properly care for their two beautiful children.
So, I created this fundraiser to try to help alleviate some of their financial stress right now. Even if each of us can only afford $5, every little bit helps and God can use even the small things (like the 5 loaves and 2 fish) to bring immense blessing. If you would kindly donate what you can it would mean the world if the Kinchleas know that they have your support during this challenging time!! :)
Please also remember their family in your prayers too! :)
If you would like to read more about the Kinchleas' story and ongoing experiences with Daniel, please visit their blog here: http://www.willkinchlea.com/daniel/
And if you wish to donate to the research of systemic autoinflammatory disease so that doctors will have better resources in order to diagnose and treat (hopefully eventually cure!) people like Daniel, please visit this website: http://autoinflammatory.org/support.php
Thank you all so much and may God bless you immensely for your kindness and compassion!! :)

Emily Sumner
London , ON