I am running NYC marathon for Organ Donation!
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So, in Feb 2021, I donated a portion of my liver - sounds crazy, right? IT'S NOT! Also, I'm running a marathon, crazy again, right? YES. VERY. But I am running for the cause, so, only slightly looney. And for more people to know about the organ donation process and how they can help, LiveOnNY helps by educating people and providing funds to the parties who need it most. I understand not everyone is in the position to donate organs or run marathons, but this is one way you CAN help! I am running the NYC Marathon to help raise awareness for this cause. If you can donate, great! If you can spread the word, wonderful! If you want to ask me all the questions about it, feel free! If you just want to call me crazy, I am cool with that, too! Thanks for reading and wish me luck!!
(In my picture is Marty, the man who received my liver. Not everyone is as fortunate as he, and if spreading the word can help just ONE person, I think that is a success)
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit LiveOnNY, Inc., and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about LiveOnNY, Inc.: LiveOnNY's mission is to save lives, provide comfort, and strengthen legacies through organ, eye and tissue donation. Our vision is a world in which the power of organ, eye and tissue donation is fully realized. We are clinician, educators, social workers and more who believe in, and are united around, the amazing power of donation. With passion and perseverance, day and night, 365 days a year, we work to ensure that the impact of organ and tissue donation reaches its full potential for the community we serve. In doing so, we bring comfort, we help strengthen legacies and we help save lives. We are LiveOnNY, and we help New Yorkers and New York live on.
Katie Postle
Brigantine, NJ