Help Eve save her house!
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EVE wrote on 12/28/19:
I have written - and some friends have too - an eclectic mix of VIPs and celebrities to raise awareness about my current situation (HELP!!) and my history of standing up to fight for justice (long before there was a "Me Too," there was "Just Me.") (Someone tell Madeleine Albright and Andrea Jung I lost a job sticking up for them. The EEOC vetted the case for wrongful termination and I won. Bragging rights, but still). We wrote to their business addresses, since we do not have other contact info. I have had some tie in the past with a couple

SECTY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON (offered me a job in her NY Senatorial Campaign but I was just starting the several year commitment of care giving my parents, thus could not accept)
JEFF BEZOS (bought his car when I was coming in and he was leaving the far west coast)
MELINDA GATES (invested a billion dollars in work I am doing. Photo provided. PLS someone get me on her radar!)
Do you know any of them or someone who does? The women are authentic trailblazers and I have some idea how hard blazing a trail can be...
I have been to court so many times, there are things I do to psyche myself up for the inevitable bullying, insulting, mocking from the opposing lawyers and the arrogant patronizing capriciousness of some judges: I listen to music by fave female artists (Madonna, Alicia Keyes, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, other kick a** divas), I wear a red, white & blue bracelet channeling Justice Sonia Sotomayor (my spirit Judge, WWSD) and a ring of my Mom's the strongest, most together woman I have ever known. Love y'all, surely do want you in my corner.
EVE wrote on 12/22/19:
Pictured are my parents, WWII Veterans, father a leader of the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, mother head Army MASH nurse in Italy. Survivors: father, concentration camps, mother, Soviet gulag having been rounded up on her way home from school.
Married in England, moved to Brooklyn, U.S.A. for new life...10 yrs, saving every penny and making so many sacrifices, achieved their American dream in suburban New Jersey, the house and legacy I need to save!
Please do not allow real estate speculators and court snafus to evict me! (Details in earlier narratives)
EVE wrote on 12/18/19:
11:10pm I don't have a voice left, so hoarse...I have been following every lead I can find and you have offered, as well as returning calls from the recognized and allegedly reputable realtors and contractors who a b s o l u t e l y want to "help" me by paying off the lien, as long as they can have the house. For peanuts. Oh, but I can stay for 3-6 months while they work on/in before flipping. O this makes me so angry. Waiting to hear back from two potential "friendly" investors, with ability to cover a big (for me) loan, I pay 'em back within a year, period. Not a million. $100k this is DOable. The GFM can bring the debt down, but I now know I have to borrow most.
Please Please Please be outraged that powerful rich people can manipulate those less fortunate (connections, money, opportunities, luck). My God, I was born and raised in the United States, have worked hard all my life, am not an alcoholic or addict or impaired in some way other than I AM PATRONIZED, IGNORED and INSULTED in Court, in correspondence and in filings by opposing lawyers and Judges because I STAND UP FOR MYSELF WITH VERIFIABLE FACTS AND WILLING WITNESSES. They exploit my disadvantaged "Pro Se"amateur status including no access to the electronic database they rely on daily to file and for notifications. My experience has been that truth is avoided by those who are supposed to manage the process of upholding it. Cheaters do not face consequences, favoritism is blatant, conflicts and agendas are not disclosed. Integrity matters to me. Sadly and cynically, it doesn't to them. My case(s) MATTER, because when authority intentionally blows off evident right for wrong, things are MESSED UP. Exhibit A: a person who has proven a pattern of fraud is made to hurry up and raise funds calculated at an exorbitant rate to shed vulture capitalists who infiltrated said person's vulnerable financial hardship while that person is expending tremendous effort to resolve OTHER litigation WHILE looking for full time employment. Meanwhile, a significant part of multiple part time jobs' compensation goes into the admin of multiple litigation. During the holidays. I USED to be Mrs. Christmas, have not put up a tree in years :(
I actively try to help people connect and succeed. To have people actively work toward your failure (especially if you have helped them!) is unconscionable to me. For personal gain AND putting you in what they deign is your place. The haters hurt, any way they can, harming by words, the verbal abuse manifesting physically. I have experienced physical assault as well, which makes me all the more determined to expose tacit acceptance of bullying by complacent tolerance of it. Enabling abusers empowers them. Everyone's M.O.: demand accountability by those who flaunt the law. Many of you have said I do not deserve what I have been going through, you can not believe this outrageous situation. BELIEVE it and what are you DOING about it? Take back the power. I am working tenaciously for justice on several fronts for a greater good, but I MUST secure my housing first. PLEASE amplify my voice and share my plight. THANK YOU.
EVE wrote on 12/16/19:
This morning my 27 yr old truck would not start, so I could not get to work. When you punch a clock, you lose those hours and that can be the difference in paying a bill or not. It is a starter issue, not the battery as I first thought. The guy who checked it showed me how to secure the connections and jiggle the wire so I can stall the repair. For now. Also, we are in for a stretch of bad weather, so I did not want to move it and get stuck.
I posted a picture of the three filings I wrote to enter and support my Motion to Vacate the Foreclosure I am slammed up against.
Excerpting from the Reply Affidavit to describe some of my hardships:
"...Extremely frugal by necessity. I have not had a landline, internet or television in my home since August 2015. Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, I do not know them. I have no hot water, counting on the Y's where I work for showers, boil a cauldron of water to wash dishes and clean clothes at the laundromat. I have climbed on to my roof over 150x to adjust and replace tarps, in place to prevent water cascading through a leaky ceiling window. I drive a '92 manual shift truck, which I just paid $350 for working windshield wipers. After two years of very precarious driving, and the possibility of a new vehicle not on the horizon, I had to spend the money. I do not have a credit card, thus depend on my truck as I cannot use car services like Uber and Lyft which require a card.
Further, contrast this isolated existence and its hardships with the convenience Plaintiffs and their attorney enjoy in terms of legal filing. While Mr. Pellegrino drafts, types, prints, copies and files his papers from his office (or home) any time, I have to go through five locations to do the same (home, library, Staples, court, post office). The time consuming inefficiencies of litigation I face are compounded by the frustration and exasperation I feel every time I have to go through it all. Add limited hours and/or availability of some of these entities (many libraries are closed summer weekends), difficulty with mobility or weather, I give myself credit for filing promptly. (WHEN notified). This does not take into account the effort expended figuring out what, where and when to file...."
I am struggling with all of this...the litigation forever but over the last two months sharing what I am going through and asking for help so publicly through social media. I have posted on Facebook about how I am ignored in Court, even when I file a complaint about behavior so egregiously insulting I HAD to report it...and nothing comes of it. This is reallyreally hard for me, GFM universe. I am fiercely independent, introverted and quiet. I am now OUT THERE because I don't know what else to do, who else to reach out to. I gave up a gravesite I'd reserved near my parents to have the deposit refunded, so reluctant was I to ask for help. That is desperate, yes? With a nudge from well meaning friends, I took this leap and have been working very hard at this effort to keep my house because it really is ALL I HAVE and circumstances beyond my control should not allow it to be taken from me. Depending on a fulltime job's location, my pets and I will move, asap but I must keep the equity I dedicated to it. Cannot dwell on what I did wrong, as some are judging. Or on the betrayals that got me here and how piercing the hurt as those who exploited my trust gloat about their material gain at my literal expense. I made decisions based on the info I had at the time. Why not help if one can? I am a "giver" in a majority "takers" world, so I suppose I will always be vulnerable. And kind.
Gotta move forward, but this legal sh*t has to end or I will.
EVE wrote on 12/15/19:
Since Crys in consultation with others set a grand goal (but authentic, I actually need $120k) I felt I should provide a lot of background info so as to be as straightforward and transparent as possible and give a sense of ME, since that is who you are investing in...the story is long, has many layers and gets hard to follow. I am IN IT and get lost. What is important to know now, THIS week, as I am in the 11th hour of saving my childhood home (my only asset) are recent events...
--- I fell behind in paying my property taxes because of reasons described below. A municipality can sell a tax certificate through online auction to real estate speculators who pay outstanding taxes and now own rights to your house. Does not have to be for that much, mine wasn't, but their debt is suddenly prioritized and until you can redeem it, they are getting 18% interest on it. I had multiple litigation going on (again, described below) and have not been able to find a full time job despite great credentials and references. HR googles me, I appear litigious, their enthusiasm cools. I am also not 20-something and have two significant gaps: my Navy life (moving 10x in 10 years) and caregiving. As sentimental as I am about my home, I would have sold it if I could and/or pursued bankruptcy but because of legal constraints and delays, those were not options.
--- The lawyer for the lienholders (a shell corporation, cover for a Temple Univ Prof and a real estate agent in Alexandria, Virginia), is THE go-to guy for municipal tax lien debt as investment. This area of speculation is a niche not scrutinized and very lucrative, and they count on that. I noticed a pattern of late or no mailing to me of paperwork they were filing to move this matter along quickly and quietly. Attorneys file electronically (e-file) and knowing I do not have access to the system, I am supposed to be snail-mailed a copy within 3 days, theoretically having 10 days to respond. By keeping the envelopes, I noticed a pattern in the postmarks showing mailing 7-12 days after the contents indicated filing and date mailed. So by the time I received stuff, the Judge would have already signed off (electronically, e-sign) and I would be clueless, SOL. This is outrageous and a travesty. But that it impacted their claim on my home? OHMYGOD, terrifying.
--- I was informed by reporters about things going on in my case that I did not even know about while they were independently researching aspects of this shady area of property tax sales. They solicited info from me for their story, I was hoping to have an article link by now, nope.
--- I (self represented, NOT a lawyer) filed a Motion to Vacate the fraudulently obtained Final Judgment, which would have forced them to file their paperwork over again, and bought me time to Spring. (I was told to expect @ 2 yr timeline of litigation, they pushed it through in 9 mos. My house is highly coveted, so they are motivated to move fast). Meanwhile, because they had a signed judgment, they were able to get an eviction order in place. The judge DID grant my motion "in part" which stalled their "rights" to my property but did not take their -- again, fraudulently obtained -- judgment and eviction off the table. That the attorney was his usual entitled, arrogant self was not surprising, but the judge was disrespectful, callous and biased, which was disappointing and unfair. The court bought into a completely inappropriate false urgency. I fought by myself as best I could but of course I was out blustered by this guy. Still, I rolled back their action and got time.
--- 28 days, in the midst of the holidays and with skin cancer surgery in the mix. HOWEVER, the attorney did not cooperate in getting the redemption numbers to the town's tax collector. I asked him for them within an hour of the hearing. It took him two weeks - HALF of my allotted time - AND my writing a letter to the court letting the judge know what the lawyer was (not) doing, to finally get the data (probably because of a clerk's call). With an even tighter time table as a result, my friend set up this account because I had to gather funds from any and every source I could. The hope is I can offset the debt I expect I will have to accrue with a loan(s) from a friend(s) (I cannot qualify for an equity line of credit) in order to get this done by end of week. I have no other assets, but I have no other liabilities either. Thus, as long as I can secure MY rights to MY house I can have the equity minus the loans. And not be homeless in January. Following? White board please.
--- I am so wound up with anxiety my usual calm self is unrecognizable. I have friends (no family) who msg in to see if I am OK, but honestly, I am worried about me too. Real estate speculators continue to stalk the house (lately at night, my dog's barking alerts me) and/or they ring the doorbell to hand me a business card, offering 20-25% of the market value with the expectation I move immediately. How a folder of legal papers outweighs @ 60 year stewardship and my parents hard-earned legacy is absolutely beyond my understanding. But that is my off-the-charts stressful reality. I hope to tell my story with a happy ending to this chapter in 2020, not posthumously. Seriously, no drama mama, I am usually stoic (things are "fine!") but they are NOT fine, I am very upset so please help and share, I would be most grateful for many and different eyeballs on this awful situation and hearts toward solving it. THANK YOU.
O! And my friends said I should mention my lifelong commitment to animal welfare (learning from my Mom): rescues, self-funded one woman trap-neuter-release operation, volunteering at shelters, furever home to 20 cats and dogs (so far), including the 8 my ex-husband abandoned to my care when he took off, never returning for some as he said he would. People, including a judge, declared I should "get rid of them." I find that shocking. For me, they are family members - I take animals OUT of shelters, not put them in. But it absolutely impacts my lifestyle, I cannot travel and would never be able to rent a place. Also, I prioritize their care with constrained funds, going without services for myself. Pictured are the three remaining of the original eight from 2011 when the cheating SOB left. I hope their home is always with me.
EVE wrote on 12/12/19:
Yesterday I posted on FB a picture of the multiple legal letters I received, illustrative of my day :( I wrote:
"Had all four active legal matters on my plate which I refer to by the type of Court I appear in: FORECLOSURE (working maniacally hard behind the scenes to find funds); CIVIL (where ex significant other files suit to be reimbursed for expenses covered while I take care of him through lung cancer, hip replacement and other medical procedures. The gas for the 100 mile roundtrip between our homes, ingredients for meals made for him, etc morphed into "loans" to be repaid after I have the audacity to break up with him); ESTATE (where 12 yr older big sis sued for control and larger portion of Mother's modest assets); FAMILY (divorce judgment in hand, burden on me to file an "enforcement of litigant's rights" and serve papers to cheater ex in Texas who has not abided by Court Order. Not a lot of $ but could help pay for an attorney in one of the other cases).
Almost KO'd by it all. Calm exterior but volcanic interior. Could not keep food in me. #TooMuchStress
AND I have a potential employer w a i t i n g since beginning of week for response to their request for more info. THAT should be the priority but I just cannot get to it, the litigation on all fronts my full time "job." AND stitches have to stay in another week."
Fresh example of frustration: Tues receive word from the Court the case management conference scheduled in the Civil Case set for this morning is postponed. Again. For a month. The last hearing in that matter was mid-June. Because of a typical stall tactic by the Plaintiff's lawyer, the Judge gave him more time to file papers, delaying the decision he was supposed to make that day four weeks to July 12. But the Judge did not get to his decision until mid-September. The conference should have been scheduled shortly thereafter but put on calendar for Oct 31. Then postponed, again last minute, to Dec 12. So from mid-June to (IF it happens!) mid-Jan: SEVEN FLIPPIN' MONTHS, for a case that never should have seen the light of day in the first place. Its delay -completely out of my control - has impacted the Foreclosure because I could not take certain actions without knowing those decisions. Absolutely effin' NIGHTMARE. I have a file of letters and emails pleading with the Court to put the case on its calendar, describing the detrimental effect it has had on MY LIFE. I have been dragged through this for 3 1/2 years so far. Whereas the entire Foreclosure zoomed along from start to near finish in 9 months?! The bias of the Judge and the tolerance of fraud perpetrated by the attorney in that case prompted my filing a Complaint with the Judicial Conduct Board (because I do not have ENOUGH to do, sigh). But that will likely go the way of a letter I wrote to the Chief Justice of NJ this time last year re: a Complaint filed Jan 2018 against a misogynistic Court appointed Arbitrator. Following up, I am told "we're taking it seriously, it is progressing." Nearly TWO YEARS? I know they want me to disappear. And that is a dilemma, do I bother to say something, with the knowledge I annoy but am not threatening or important enough for action to be taken - or even acknowledged? Or should I just shut up? I look to my parents...the horrors they survived in WWII, the sacrifices they made, the challenges they had to establish our family in this great country, they values they cherished and conveyed...OF COURSE I have to speak up. What I am going through in an unjust (for the unwealthy) system is RIDICULOUS. Please help me raise awareness about the routine mistreatment disparity (WHERE IS THE ACCOUNTABILITY?) and save me and my home so I can continue to FIGHT LIKE HELL for fairness and equality.
EVE wrote on 12/10/19:
My friend Crys started this fund for me and I am grateful for her initiative and caring to help, as I know some others of you have been trying to do...Together we want to figure out the best way to reach the most people in a hurry. My closest network is like me, caregivers, educators, actively volunteering in the community...ideas and energy but not a lot of connections or funds, working not-for-profit. "Team Eve" is scrappy if not legally savvy, and therein lies my ongoing problem: I am a self-represented litigant in four ongoing legal matters. I have not been able to afford an attorney, having been through twenty one years of uninterrupted litigation, usually Defendant to vindictive Plaintiffs who have the resources (time, money) to sue me after they betray me. And the real estate speculators who have taken advantage of my resulting financial vulnerability are ruthless and aggressive, they have already shown they will pounce on my coveted property.
Over the past two months, I have been posting on FB excerpts of some of the legal filings I have written, finally exposing the injustice endured...lawyers who have looked at what's been going on have written testimonials I use as exhibits and one retired judge said I should be "raising holy hell." I WANT to, I have reached out to women who have demonstrated their commitment to gender equality, raising awareness and combating domestic violence, and other important areas where inequity is still pervasive. I have been on those front lines: wage discrimination, sexual harassment, subject to the silence of the military with an abusive spouse, ETC. Reese, Oprah, Melinda...a friend contacted Ellen...these are powerful advocates. I want to connect (and work for!) people who are making a difference. I have made a difference! Saving my family's home (of nearly sixty years), however, and figuring things out (granted, quickly) after that is what I have to focus on. (While working multiple part time jobs, recovering from surgery, taking care of multiple abandoned pets AND dealing with the other legal cases).
GFM says one's story should run @ 400 words. I can provide 4000, easy. But what do YOU think I should emphasize? I will try to get some pics on, better to show than to tell; the Eviction Notice already provided is the most terrifying. I am well aware of the heart wrenching narratives out there: I do not need a kidney, I have not lost a child, I do not live in a refugee camp. But I have been physically, financially and emotionally devastated by @ 200 appearances in court, in front of @ 40 judges in three states and dealing with many, many lawyers. It has been my experience that demonstrable, irrefutable truth is disregarded and even mocked by people in positions of authority tasked with enforcing justice. The judiciary is an elite group, indeed the personification of an "old boys network." If you are not one of them, or play into roles defined by their filters (I am not passive or submissive, I AM quiet and defiant), you are screwed and it has cost me, literally, everything...
CRYS KACAREK wrote on 11/30/19:
Eve is a WONDERFUL caring woman who I have had the pleasure of crossing paths with. Unfortunately she’s been dealt a rather unfair hand and needs some help. She’s too much of a strong proud woman to ever create something like this, but I know she’s at her wits end with what to do. The stress of ongoing litigation has taken a toll on her physically.
With the holiday season approaching & the idea of giving I hope we can all find it in our hearts to give a little to help her out. She would help someone in need in a heartbeat.
Quoted from her on 11/23 ”Have gotten several messages & emails, appreciative you are checking in...I came out of court this afternoon kind of...stunned? And confused and...?
Order pictured below. I have until Dec 20 to come up with a lot of money (@$100k), otherwise the Final Judgment stands, including the Eviction scheduled Jan 7.
I appeared before this Judge once before and she was nicer. Dunno why she was in a bad mood today. What is making me angrier and angrier (not good at 12:30am) is how she emphasized Plaintiff's rights, the vulture capitalist adversaries. Note in the Order "their rights" [to MY property!]. I spelled out my hardships and disadvantages through the THREE filings I wrote, also describing my home as my parents' legacy. She prioritized speculators, in to flip and make a quick buck?! THAT's where we are now in terms of values? Disgusted and discouraged. How can I not be?
The opposing lawyer swaggered in, having been chatted up in the hallway...he is THE guy who wrote the book re:tax debt. [Literally: "How To Invest In Debt: A Complete Guide"] That pompous entitlement was how he handled himself in court too.
So FOR FOUR WEEKS I have control back. I need to make this happen, otherwise I lose everything. If there's a miracle out in the universe for me - 'tis the season! - NOW would be a really good time...
[4:30am update because, of course, I cannot sleep. In WHAT UNIVERSE do rich investors take precedence over a worthy person in her family's home of nearly 60 years who has done nothing wrong except fall behind in financial responsibilities DUE TO ALL THE LITIGATION SHE HAS TO FIGHT?! Me & 3 pets are to be homeless in order to accommodate these bastards?! WHY the urgency on their behalf, legal paper work wrapped up in less than a year vs. shelter for someone actively struggling to get out from the legal morass dumped on and endured for YEARS? Oh my GOD!! ]
Eve Morawski
Maplewood, NJ