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26.2 for Boston Wounded Veterans

Donación protegida
Running the Boston Marathon for these three heroes!

All proceeds raised go towards housing modifications for these three disabled veterans.

Cpl Andy Kingsley, Athol, MaWounded in Afghanistan 2010
Army Cpl Andy Kingsley was a member of the 82 Airborne Div when he was severely wounded during combat operations in Afghanistan. Andy's FOB was bombarded by enemy mortar fire when shrapnel ripped through his body. Due to his injuries, doctors amputated his right leg above the knee, some fingers, and toes. Andy struggles to wear a prosthetic leg because of how high his amputation is and often can be confined to a wheel chair.

Cpl Kevin Dubois: Lincoln, R.I.Wounded in Afghanistan 2011
Marine Sniper Cpl Kevin Dubois was severely wounded in Afghanistan during combat operations in July of 2011. Kevin, like many other infantryman fell victim to an I.E.D. and his injury is one of the worst in the country. Doctors were forced to amputate both of his legs, hips, and much of his waist. Kevin too, can not wear prosthetic legs comfortably and is mostly wheel chair bound. His spirits are high and he has baby on the way!

MSGT Joseph Deslauriers: Bellingham, MaWounded in Afghanistan 2011
Air Force MSGT Joseph Deslauries had one of the most dangerous jobs in Afghanistan during 2011. As an E.O.D. tech , it was Joe's job to disarm any road side bombs in which friendly forces came in contact with. On a routine mission Joe stepped on a secondary I.E.D. and it resulted in devastating injuries. Joe became one of few triple amputees from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Doctors had to amputate both of his legs and his left arm. He too is in high spirits and is now medically retired from the Air Force .



  • Ryan Tiffany
    • $100
    • 10 yrs


Mikara Cimmino
Winthrop, MA

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