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Angie Crabtree Medical Relief Fund

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If you have ever been lucky enough to meet Angie Crabtree, you know she is one of the most compassionate and caring people there are. She is one of the strongest people I have ever had the privilege to know. Angie has dedicated her life and career to taking care of others and she always puts others before herself. She has been a nurse for 19 years. Throughout her career she has repeatedly been recognized by her co workers, managers, and the patients she cares for. In the last few years Angie has faced adversity in many forms but through it all she has remained positive. A few years ago Angie was diagnosed with an aggressive form of rectal cancer. She underwent multiple rounds of chemotherapy, and radiation as well as multiple surgeries. She suffered weight loss, malnutrition, pain, and radiation burns. Despite this Angie remained positive and kept faith that God would see her through. Her co workers came together as well and cared for her, taking turns taking her to her treatments and caring for her at home. After a long and hard battle, one day she got the news she had waited to hear. She was cancer free. Then began the long road to recovery. She went through extensive therapy to regain basic muscle mass lost from her treatments and still had to undergo more surgeries for the burns and scarring from her radiation. She finally was able to go back to doing what she loved, caring for others. She was able to resume her job as a nurse. She had been cancer free for two years when she developed a disease called post radiation colitis. She was hospitalized numerous times in attempts to treat this severe form of colitis, she lost 50 pounds, battled malnourishment and severe dehydration as she was unable to tolerate food and liquids at all. After multiple hospitalizations and unsuccessful treatments her doctor decided surgery was the best answer and she underwent bowel resection and had nearly her entire small bowel removed and had an ostomy placed. However, after being hospitalized almost 3 months in total and having continued dehydration and malnourishment and illness, Angie was too weak to even walk on her own. She again faces a long road to recovery. She was admitted to rehab to get her strength back but despite having the surgery she is still losing weight and is continuously severely dehydrated and malnourished due to complications with her surgery and ostomy. She now can no longer work due to her condition and is requiring long term IV nutrition and daily IV fluids at home to keep her from going into complete renal failure and she still faces more surgeries ahead. Without insurance these surgeries, home care, and treatments are extremely expensive. Working with Angie I have watched her care for so many and lift others up. Now Angie needs others to care for her and lift her up. If you are able to do so please make a donation, no matter how small, to this fund to help assist Angie with all her costs from healthcare, rehab and daily expenses as she is unable to work now due to her continued chronic illness. Please pray for her and her recovery. She is dying to get back to doing what she loves, taking care of others. Please share this with your friends, families and neighbors. Thank you for taking the time to read this and keeping Angie in your prayers!


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Alyssa L. Musser
Jefferson City, TN
Angela Crabtree

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