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Help Bill Fight Cancer

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When our sweet Labrador, Bill, developed a cough while my husband was battling COVID-19, we assumed our boy had contracted some form of the virus. We expected to take him to the vet, get some cough medicine and be on our way. Out of an abundance of caution, our vet took an aspirate of his lymph nodes. We never expected the results to show lymphoma.

Bill will begin chemo next week - on his 7th birthday.

I can't explain what our dogs mean to me and my husband, Dane. If you've followed me for any length of time, you might have a pretty good idea of how big of a role our dogs play in our life. That said, when you find out you can't have human children, their importance is magnified to a level I fail to be able to articulate.

If someone had told us two years ago, we would face the loss of 4 human babies, drinking jet fuel from contaminated water, emergency pet surgeries, a cross-country move, sick grandparents, the death of two grandmothers, a best friend committing suicide, missed promotions, a horrible case of COVID for Dane, a slipped disc and sepsis for me, and all of the other "normal" things life throws - I would have laughed and laughed. I would never believe it if I wasn't living it.

Through it all, our dogs have carried us. They have been our constant and our home.

So many people have reached out to me asking how they can help us and help Bill, so I'm setting up this GoFundMe account. Half of everything raised will go directly to Bill's care, and the other half will be donated to family who needs help paying their own veterinary oncology bills.

Thank you so much for all the love and support. We feel it.
Dane, Kait, Judy and Bill


  • Keani Bakula
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Kate Almy
    • $20
    • 1 yr
  • Jamie McKean
    • $20
    • 1 yr
  • Claire Kiefer
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Lindsay DeLorenzo
    • $25
    • 1 yr


Kaitlin Hanson
Arlington, VA
  • Tiere

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt