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Finish final expenses for Melanie

Spende geschützt
On December 8th 2015, Melanie (Taylor) Brannon gained her angel wings, at the young age of only 45. Melanie was a beautiful, loving mother to 3 children (and many more who didn't belong to her), daughter, sister, aunt and grandmother. She was kind, bubbly, outgoing, smart, funny and could talk to anyone. Melanie became ill with Cirrhosis of the liver and she fought so hard to overcome it, but the illness took over her body very rapidly. She then became even sicker...with double pneumonia...but being the fighter that Melanie was, she fought even harder. Unfortunately, the Lord had bigger plans for her. Melanie deserves to have a funeral that is as beautiful as she was. Please help her children lay their beautiful momma to rest. Any amount is appreciated and will help. I know Melanie would be forever grateful. And I know her children will be forever grateful for your help.

Rest in Peace Melanie. We love you more than you'll ever know sweet angel!


  • Jodi Dusek
    • $100
    • 9 yrs
  • Benefit for Melanie
    • $1,700 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs
  • We Care Snyder
    • $200 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Ashley Taylor
Abilene, TX
Kenny Miller

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