Stop The Bleeding Kits for First Responders
Tax deductible
We build and donate (100% ) stop the bleeding kits for rural First Responders.
Near 200,000 people die yearly from bleeding out before they can enter the Golden EMS hour.
If one enters the EMS Golden hour in Blood Loss shock, ( 15 to 20% loss - sever shock begins) their chances of survival go down drastically. A major arterial cut like the Femoral artery, one can bleed to death in less than 5 minutes! Mitigation of an arterial bleed in seconds to minutes can mean the difference between life and death!
We have designed(we are in the 5th generation of the kit and still adding) , built and already donated about 2000 units to First Responders and we have already seen that the kits, with training saves lives. we have donated kits to Responders in Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee and South Carolina.
The goal is 1) Build, donate and trained on how to Stop the Bleeding,
2) Every First Responder should also be trained in CPR,
3) Get the general public interested in learning these life saving skills and ,
4) get local people engaged and have them build and donate kits in their communities!
The website has training videos and contact information.
We are a United States 501(c3) tax deductible organization and we are on the IRS website as such.
Donations are tax deductible, be sure to ask your tax person about this.
If you need a letter for tax purposes please let us know.
Each kit costs over $20.00 USD, so each and every donation counts!
Thank you - Get engaged and the life you save may be your own , your Family , Friends or even a stranger. When you save a life , your life changes forever. When we save a Life we change the future!
Saving Lives America, Inc