Help Ed buy a used car
Update January 17th. 2014
Total of $200.00 as of today with sincerest thanks to the four people who have contributed.
The tedious task of sorting & testing equip & software plus web researching options has eaten a week. But so far so good.
Origional Info:
To put it simply, the '06 burglary which crashed Colight and my health also cost me personal validation and the only community I had the right to call home. I had nothing more to offer those who also felt "I thought I was the only one." My cherished 'Purpose' was gone.
What followed was depression, homelessness & loss of all I owned except for a death grip on my camera and MAC G5. Finally leading me here to what is barely a subsistence apartment life in a society that begrudges me the even the basic courtesy of acceptance.
Being one who gives rather than takes I expected no changes until a hand me down smartphone and a reconnect with customer turned long-time friend. Every few months Erik and I could reminisce by phone about the good old days.
He recently suggested I re-enter the community through forums. Something my emotions had precluded for years. And in SFK I found not only an amazing warmth of welcome, but also offers of help.
First Erik then others pointed at that, then pointed me here. And believe me, putting out my hand is not normal to my nature. At best, it tastes extremely odd.
Nearly eight years has taken a toll on my equipment. Just surviving required bypassing even basic maintenance and upgrades allowing equipment to fail and software to become so ancient it no longer meets minimum contemporary standards.
My personal needs are simple. A roof, food, electricity and an end to over a year w/o real web access. Technological needs are of greater importance. So, the help I need can come in whichever form or amount you are able to give. Money is most fluid, and even the price of a pack of cigarettes would help. But hardware/software is the backbone.
External drives & burner, MAC OS upgrade higher than my 10.4.11, Canon XL series battery paks, a working audio pack and even simple stuff like high-capacity thumbdrives blank discs... things like that. I'll know more as my gear talks back to me and add it to my wishlist.
The hope I have found here gives me both purpose and determination. Both allow the insurmountable to become achievable. I just need the tools to forge a brand new star.
Before I go, let me share this inspiration from an old friend.