Medical Expenses
Jose and Adrian, Two 16 year old friends were riding an ATV in their neighborhood on July 18th 2020 when they were hit by a car. Adrian was killed and Jose was injured. Jose Corral is my little brother he is 16 and suffering post traumatic injury due to the loss of his best friend. We are asking that you please donate for his medical costs and his psychological medical help. They were both great soccer players on the same team. My brother Jose is the goal keeper for the team. We are mourning the loss of Adrian Flores and asking for help with part of my brother Jose’s medical costs. Thank you in advance.
Spanish: Jose y Adrian, dos amigos de 16 años de edad se paseaban en una cuatrimoto (atv) en Julio 18 2020 cuando un carro se estrelló contra ellos matándo a Adrián y dejando herido a mi hermano José. Jose es mi hermano menory quedó herido y muy afectado emocionalmente por la pérdida de su mejor amigo Adrian. Los dos jugaban fútbol en el mismo equipo y mi hermano es el portero. Por favor si pueden ayudar con lo que puedan para los costos médicosy costos de ayuda emocional de consejeros para mi hermano menor. Muchas gracias de antemano.