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It comes with a heavy heart that I am changing this from medical  expenses and adding Funeral expense as Sebastian has earned his wings to fly.   Please pray for the family as they face the most diffcult time in thier lives.
September 22  Sixteen year old Sebastian Rivera was in a tragic accident. He was flown to the closet trauma center where he is still in crictal condition in the ICU. He has three brothers and his family has remained by his side. His parents were told there was no brain activity and the out look was not good, BUT this kid is a fighter. The lastest update came from his father this am September 23, 2015
Martin Rivera
I want ask for more prayers I had to make the hardest decision last night and that was to do the final test on my son and they did they took the respirator off and god is good he has the final say Sebastian was breathing on his own so my son is fighting god is healing bc of all the love and prayers please cont to pray I love all of u and thank you thank you all praise to god he is the glory
Faire un don


  • bracelet sales remember #3
    • $55
    • 9 yrs
Faire un don

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Michelle Bonczek
Spring Hill, FL
Martin Rivera

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